Seasonal Depression

in #health8 years ago

I think everyone has experienced a gloomy or dumpy mood. However, for some, those moods can extend for days, weeks or months and turn into something more serious.

If you or someone you love has ever experienced depression, you know that there are several factors that can irritate or initiate those feelings. The time of the year can be one of those triggers.

As we move into winter, it's important to guard your mental well-being. Winter brings shorter days and longer periods of darkness. Shorter days and longer nights can lead to increased feelings of anxiousness and sadness.

Diet and exercise can be a great treatment for feelings of depression. Research shows that exercise releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins which promote feelings of well-being and satisfaction. Exercise releases tension and stress, not to mention, the feelings of self-confidence and self respect that can be brought on by a healthy exercise routine.

Diet can also contribute to a healthier emotional state. Eating a balanced diet gives the body the fuel and nutrients it needs to work at an optimal level. Cutting back on caffeine can reduce it's tendency to irritate anxiousness and interfere with sleep.

If you are someone who struggles with feelings of depression, do something for yourself. Give yourself a plan, give yourself a timeline, get your friends or family on board, ask for their support and accountability.

Depression is a very serious issue. Sometimes depression has reached a state where exercise is the last thing you want to do and eating can be the furthest thing from your mind. Needing professional help is nothing to be ashamed of. If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, please, please, please reach out. Talk to a friend, a family member, a minister or counselor, someone. Asking for help doesn't make you weak, it makes you smart!