Anxious & Overwhelmed?

in #health7 years ago

Happy Mon-to-the-YAY!

Anxiety, overwhelm, fear, self-judgement… oh those feels!

Monday's come around, and we may find ourselves feeling each of those statements and more. Maybe you fell off track over the weekend, maybe your to-do list you didn’t finish by this past Friday is waiting for you to tackle.

So I have something I want YOU to try today!

If you find yourself overwhelmed with the week ahead, not sure where to begin, take a minute and say aloud the following statement:

“I am so grateful for all of the things I have to do today! I see this as so many opportunities for growth and I am looking forward to feeling accomplished after each task is done.”

How about instead of looking at your overwhelming week ahead as negative, see it as the fact that you have a JOB, that you have children who love and depend on you to take them to soccer practice, that you have the finances to buy food, a car, gas, etc. to get you to the places you need to. If you did NOT have a to-do list or anyone in your life who relies on you, then you’ll be in a place of “oh my gosh what is my life?! I’m going nowhere!”

SIMPLE shifts… will change the way you view your minute-to-minute and eventually will come naturally to see it these ways. PROMISE



I'm definitely stressed about the week ahead, but you're so right! Take everything in strides! I AM so grateful, and even excited about the challenges ahead of me this week. I will be re-steeming your post, a positive message everyone could benefit from. PS it looks like you're having a blast in Costa Rica! Love the pics - enjoy it! :)

Take everything in strides and take everything as an opportunity - don't look at it through a negative lens! Thank you so much! I wish you all the best in conquering any challenges this week! You can do it 💪🏻