Thanks for the good explanation of this theory of eating @kiwideb. I read about it a lot in my weight loss groups, but really have not paid too much attention.
My fat people will try anything except balanced meals! I'm still at the level of trying to get them to stop eating poison - whenever they do eat. I urge the avoidance of colors, flavors, gmos, pesticides etc. The addictive draw of Cheetos and Dr Pepper down me out a lot, unfortunately.
I get the dirty laundry idea for sure. That is a good analogy I will use.
After I lost my weight, I got into the habit of eating when I am hungry. Or maybe that started as I was losing weight. I never knew this feeling until just a few years ago. Since my food is generally healthy and balanced now, when I do eat I feel fulfilled. Then I do not need to eat again until I am hungry again. This has worked out to eating 1-3 times a day and usually it's once a day. I never eat when I get up, and I sometimes eat and then go to sleep, especially if I eat carbs.
Every once in a while, I can't sleep, and I realize it's because I am hungry! I get up and eat something and then I go to sleep.
And then sometimes I eat and eat for a couple of days. I try my best to supercharge the nutrition when that happens. I figure my body is telling me something and so I try to respond is a good way.
Sometimes when I am working, I realize I'm starving. I'll think back to wonder if I ate yet today.
These new hunger effects are so surprising. Back when I was obese, I ate constantly, and was always hungry right after meals even though I was full. I call this "stuffed yet starving" and I believe it is because we eat "food" with no nutrition. Once I started to get nutrition in my food, I did not have to eat all the time. I lost "half my size" and I began to actually enjoy eating.
Thank you again for all of your support lately. I really appreciate your help so much more than you know.
I've often thought keto sounded a bit extreme, though helpful for certain conditions. And if we were metabolically flexible, we wouldn't need to follow such a rigid pattern. Once we get some level of health back, I imagine you can go in and out of ketosis at different times and your body would be able to adapt.
But fasting has much more history, so spacing our meals a bit better makes so much sense to me. And like you say, once you start to actually recognise true hunger, and eating more appropriately, then you naturally fall into a rhythm of eating less often.
I used to do a presentation I called Overfed and Undernourished. Stuffed yet Starving is a neater way of saying the same thing.
You're welcome, re the support. I hope things work out for you both. So far, with the very zen attitude of trusting that you will be provided for, that has happened. So fingers crossed that continues.