What would happen to your body if you stop washing completely

in #health7 years ago


It is popular belief that the human being should shower at least once a day, although we have all been through some situation that has prevented us from fulfilling this rule. But what would happen if you stopped washing yourself completely? Your body (and your environment) will suffer the consequences.

The reality is that it is not necessary to shower every day. Doctors recommend that we do it at least once every two or three days, depending on the situation you are in (for example, in the case of very cold winters), but for your well-being and those around you, A daily shower is recommended. Wash your face and hands daily, on the other hand, if it is completely necessary.

Those of us who have lived in tropical countries are accustomed to taking showers several times a day, as well as those who suffer the consequences of an intense summer in Europe. However, the consequences of not showering or washing can never be catastrophic for the body. There are people who have decided to forget showers for months or even years, and their agencies have been greatly affected by these decisions.

In general, this is what happens if you stop washing:



Have you spent three or more days without taking a shower and felt that the skin began to itch a lot in some areas? That feeling will only get worse as the days go by. Showering or washing helps to keep the skin hydrated, so not doing so for long periods of time (or even days) will help irritate and even appear rashes on the skin.

On the other hand, the skin tends to produce much more fat in some areas, such as the face or the scalp. With the passage of the days your hair will look as if you had placed some gel to comb, extremely shiny and sticky. But do not be fooled, that's grease, that you would normally remove from your head with a good shower and a dose of shampoo.

In the case of your face (and other parts), excess fat along with dirt and accumulated dust, would help the production of pimples, blackheads, blackheads and, in general, acne. The face is the part of the body that produces more fat, so it is advisable to wash every night before going to bed.


This man has not showered for 60 years. Yes really.

The human body is covered with bacteria and fungi, even when we shower constantly. The problem is when these get out of control and basically take over the skin. This can cause diseases, infections and seriously affect that area that we must take care of: the groin and all its parts. If all.

Beyond that, with the passage of weeks and months will accumulate so much dirt on your skin that will begin to appear brown spots, which is known by doctors as negligence of the skin. On the other hand, between the toes and pelvis can accumulate so much dirt that it would be visible as black spots and nasty particles, which would help to cause infections by those areas.


If you have spent three or more days without taking a shower, you have raised your arms to give a quick smell to your armpits and you thought: "but I do not smell bad", I am sorry to say that you are wrong, very wrong. There is a popular belief that says that the human being can not feel its own smell, and it is completely true. If you have not showered for days or weeks you can be absolutely sure that you stink, and you stink a lot.

Bad body odor is not caused by sweat, since it is generally odorless. The plague is caused by the accumulation of bacteria and particles of dead skin on your body, which mix with the sweat. With the passage of time will be so many that accumulate that the smell will be worse and worse, and even you will feel it.

The consequences of not completely washing for a long time are so severe that you can not solve it with a single shower. It will be days or weeks until your body returns to normal.

So, in conclusion, for your sake and your environment: take a shower.