Codeine is a narcotic pain killer or reliever and also a cough suppressant in the reduction, prevention and controlling of the intensity of the problem on ground rather than eliminate it. Checking on also other drugs, morphines and hydrocodone are the most similar to codeine.
Codeine or 3-methylmorphine is a plant in the paparaceae family which has been cultivated and utilized for a collection of medicinal and hypnotics purposes having different sort of active components.
The name codeine was gotten or derived from an ancient greek word κώδεια meaning poppy head
” Checking out on the beginning of the 19th century, raw opium was used in diverse preparation known as laudanum and paregoric elixirs.Codeine was first(1st) isolated in france,1832 by Pierre Robiquent who was known for the discovery of alizarin.
Codeine is already now the widely used drugs worldwide and as received series or even a lot of reports by organization like World Health Organization(W.H.O). Different codeine salts have been prepared since the drugs was discovered just like hydrochloride, bromide, phosphate and the four codeine based barbiturates which is used for the reduction of pain and nervousness.

Codeine binds to receptors in the brain in disseminating sensation of pain throughout the body and decreasing comfort but pain is still apparent to the human body causing drowsiness and breathing problems.
Too much intake of drugs would definitely have some side effects on the human body. Here are some signs and symptoms due to the effect of codeine:
- Itching.
- Adrenal insufficiency.
- Short attention span.
- Drowsiness.
- Nausea.
- Severe low blood pressure.
Codeine is a drug designed to relieve pain or coughing. It being less potent , the side effects comes early at first use and grows worse over time.
Should Pregnant Women take codeine?
Yes, you might be asking yourself that question of why a pregnant woman should take codeine, but the true fact is she can take it but the amount of codeine is mostly secreted in the breast milk which would be of much risk or harm to the baby infant.
How can it be stored?
Codeine should always be stored in a dry place having temperature ranges from (15-30)C.

How To Overcome The Addiction Of Codeine.
Despite the ease which codeine will bring , it is very dangerous and very harmful to the human health amd also the body system. If you’re ready to get away from this addiction, get in touch with someone who can help you.
I stand for the saying:
” Say No To Codeine!”
Source : Fslide Player

It sad to see youth indulge in such a behavior...that will only devalue their thinking faculty!