"Urang-aring"(Eclipka Alba)

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit, This leaf is called "Urang-aring" in Latin called "Eclipka Alba". It is one of the wild plant species, which is not usually cultivated specifically. Arang urang plants usually grow in the gardens or forest, and the most Used is the leaves, because the leaves are believed to have benefits and benefits for the body. When I was a child, when the pain and heat in the head began to feel, my mother grind this leaf and then put on the head. I will tell you what the benefits of the leaves are;

  1. Enrich the hair
    You have hair problems that grow less fertile and long grows If so, can use this urang aring leaf to help accelerate the growth of your hair, and also fertilize your hair. Here is how and steps to make a solution or oil urang aring for Nourish hair and also nourish your hair:

Take some leaves of urang aring leaves aring urang aring into the waterRemember the leaves of urang aring, so the water becomes black. After that, apply the result of immersion leaf urang - aring it to your head and hair part

  1. Eliminate dandruff

Leaf aring leaves are processed into an extract or oil urang aring can be useful to overcome and also eliminate dandruff that often appears on the hair and your head. This is because, by massaging the scalp with urang aring, will make the scalp become moist And not dry, so this will make dandruff difficult to appear and disturb your appearance.

  1. Black hair

Benefits aring urang is able to blacken hair. For those of you who always want to look more black hair and bright shiny, then you can try to use this aring oil aring oil. In addition to how to buy shampoo and hair dye products that have oil content aring aring. You can apply and wash your hair with your own aring aring oil, by the way of manufacture that has been mentioned earlier. With regular use of aring oil uring, then your hair will become more black look.

  1. As a natural dye black

Not only for hair, urang aring can also be used as a natural black dye. This natural black dye can be used to be a dye in food, and also on various kinds of wooden handicrafts.

  1. Can treat liver disorders

Not only can be beneficial for the health of our hair, but the leaves aring aring has benefits also for the health of the body. One of the benefits for our health from urang aring leaf is it can help to treat disorders of liver function. Usually impaired liver function is due to some P.

One is poisoning and also over doses of certain chemicals, such as drugs that cause the liver to work harder, and cause disruption of the liver.

  1. Can treat stomach disorders

Next, the leaves aring arang also has a very good benefit to treat and also overcome the disruption that occurs in the stomach.G disorders that occur in the stomach usually includes diarrhea, gastritis, stomach acid and also inflammation and irritation of the stomach.How to process it was quite easy , You can drink boiled water from leaf aring leaves or can also consume the leaf as fresh vegetables.

  1. Cure various skin diseases

Leaf uring aring also proved to have good benefits to treat various types of external diseases, especially on the skin. Some skin diseases that can be cured, such as rashes and skin irritation, eczema, water fleas, and scars can be cured by using urang leaf Aring.

Here is an easy step to take advantage of urang aring leaves to treat various skin disorders:

Take some leaves of urang aringIris leaves and roughly urang leaf uring aring a little leaf uring aring, then paste and compress on the skin that has interference

  1. Heal and overcome the sting of venomous animals

Benefits of leaf aring leaves can also help you in overcoming the sting caused by venomous animals. By compressing wounds of venomous animal bites, then the toxins that enter into your body can be neutralized immediately. However this is only applicable in animals that can be light, and also apply For first aid. Hopefully useful.

Urang aring growing behind my house