A research study has been done at Washington University School of Medicine, using mice who have been infected with Influenza Virus. It was found that the plant flavonoids in Black Tea, Red Wine, and Blueberries produced a microbe called Clostridium Orbiscindens that enhances Interferon which fights the flu. These flavonoids work with the gut microbiome to protect from flu and viruses, and also from lung damage in flu that causes pneumonia.
So, drink and eat up! :).
I hate flu. thank you for suggesting.
You are welcome!
Thanks for sharing, usually I drinks ginger tea for it if I get flu. Ginger has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help you a lot in fighting off the flu virus and other microbes causing respiratory infections, you may try it next time if you want something different~
Yes, thank you for that information! Ginger is a wonderful healing herb! :)
Your welcome, take good care ya!! :D
I love the photo :)
Thanks, Vanessa! :)
Sounds like a pleasant treatment!
Yes! :)