We're sharing a very important series on candida, a fungus that supports health in the human body when kept in proper balance but that wreaks havoc on the system when an overgrowth is present.

Check out the topics we have covered in our previous posts:
- Candida - Agent of Destruction or Health Companion?
- How to Test Yourself at Home for Candida, One of the Most Problematic Conditions for Modern Health
- Our Surprising At Home Test Results for Candida Overgrowth & What We'll Do
- Prepping for a Candida Detox: Clear Out the Junk
- Candida Killer: Natural Protocol for Effective Detox & Restored Health
This is a serious threat to health that affects the majority of the population, and many people are completely unaware that their numerous symptoms are related to a candida overgrowth at all!

The symptoms of a candida overgrowth are similar to so many other conditions and diseases that it is no wonder people are confused about their situations. If you are experiencing any of the following:
- Chronic fatigue
- Mood swings or low mood
- Brain fog, easily forgetful
- A weak immune system
- Joint pains/Fibromyalgia
- Inflammation
- Digestive issues or pain (like Crohn's disease or IBS)
- Fungal infections on the skin or nails
- Recurring yeast infections of the genitals (yes men can get them too)
- Oral thrush
- Sinus infections
- Food allergies/food intolerance
Then we encourage you to perform an easy at home test to check yourself as well as your family for a candida overgrowth.
The inhabitants of our ecovillage did this test, and we were surprised to find that even with our relatively healthy lifestyle, everyone presented with a candida overgrowth!

Thankfully, we have found a natural protocol that not only eradicates a candida overgrowth, but it truly supports and enhances health and can eliminate many other illnesses too!
Candida feeds off sugar, so the standard American diet creates a perfect environment in the body for candida to thrive. We recommend changing the diet to starve the invasive fungus of its favorite food, and it is wise to start your candida cleansing journey with this step before adding natural medicines to the mix so your body's elimination channels are functioning properly when it comes time for the more hardcore detox.
To strengthen your body to eliminate candida, we recommend a prep diet for at least a week before starting the natural medicine. This involves eliminating sugar, meat, and dairy, and substantially increasing your water intake. Replace these foods that are hard to digest and encourage inflammation and candida in the body with fresh, organic or better yet homegrown whole fruits, green leafy veggies, root vegetables, and squash.

There is some debate as to what kinds of carbs are acceptable. We definitely recommend cutting out simple and refined sugars and most if not all carbohydrates during the anti-candida diet. It's important to be realistic about what you can do above and beyond that. In our ecovillage, we are choosing to prepare brown rice, quinoa, and occasionally beans some days while we follow the protocol. Some people eat them, and some people don't, but the option is available.
This diet will do wonders towards enhancing and protecting health, but we are choosing to couple it with a natural protocol we found from Dr. Jennifer Daniels. This protocol requires taking 100% gum spirits of turpentine on sugar cubes first thing in the morning for 4 days, then taking 3 days off. This schedule is to be repeated for 3 weeks. Following the anti-candida diet (especially eliminating sugar!) is imperative during this stage.Check this post for further details.
We want everyone to be as healthy as possible, so we invite one and all to follow this anti-candida protocol along with us! We make 100% gum spirits of turpentine available by donation through our website for those who want to try this amazing natural substance.
We want to hear your results as well! Please share with us: what are your symptoms that make you suspect you have a candida overgrowth? Did you take the test, and if so what were your results? What is your standard diet, and what does your anti-candida diet look like? What changes are you observing?
Every aspect of life is better when you are healthy! Please join us on a journey to full thrival! We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!
*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

This is a great opportunity to upgrade our health. Doing the home test is so super easy, takes only moments of time, and costs no money! And...doing it together is really motivating! Embarking on this protocol really adds some great insight. So glad we're sharing this valuable information.
Yes doing it together is very helpful! It's not a difficult protocol to follow, but making lifestyle changes does take a lot of dedication and commitment. It's so much easier to have the support of a group!
Isn't that the truth. For most people changing their diet can be extremely difficult, especially when they are accustomed to eating out all the time with their family, friends and co-workers. The temptations are great, unless you stay home and make your own luscious, healthy options like we do. Yay for us doing it together!!
A lot of the health issues from Candida have mostly to do with immunocompromised patients. As we get older it becomes much more important to remain healthy to prevent these kinds of overgrowth leading to a pathological state. Great post!
Absolutely, health is vital to a thriving life! Unfortunately, most people are not as strong and healthy as they can be due to poor diet and lifestyle choices, which is why we're seeing huge rates of candida overgrowth in the population.
Great series and help
Really glad you're finding value in it, @babarrajo!
Thanks for sharing
Great post dear
You're welcome, @ahmadali! Health is wealth!
This really is so important. I hope people take this opportunity to test and detox!
Health, especially good health is priceless.
YES! A candida overgrowth effects a vast majority of the population, but the test is super easy as well as free. This is a primo opportunity for people to check themselves, and the detox is easier to do with the support of a group.
Thanks for sharing! I do have a question though. Candida is said to break down toxins that would normally pose a threat to our bodies. So, is excess candida harmful or is it the presence of toxins that are the precursor to Candida's presence what is causing the harm? If so, would reducing Candida levels treat the problem (environmental toxins) or simply treat the symptom (candida growth)? Just some yeast for thought... I don't have a sure answer, merely some suspicions.
This is of course not to say that your proposed course of action is by any means harmful. Only good can come from cleansing the body :)
We definitely see that excess candida causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, but candida overgrowth is usually a sign that something else is wrong. And we certainly live in an increasingly toxic environment, which helps candida thrive. Ideally we would live in a clean and healthy environment, but humans have poisoned the world. It seems the only line of defense at this point is to strengthen the body.
Absolutely agree!!!! Thank you for taking the time to share your protocol!
good article
Thanks, @padmakshi!
I never had symptom like that before or on my family members but, one thing I am we promote good health by eating more fruit and vegetables.
Fresh, whole, raw fruits and vegetables are definitely a formula for success for pretty much everyone!
And for pretty much any ailment!
Nice Post
Nice one dear you always have a Nice article