🌿 Natural Methods for Detoxing Mercury ☠️ : Part I

in #health7 years ago

We are continuing our series on natural methods for detoxing mercury from your system. This is a serious and extremely important process that will greatly improve your health and could potentially save your life!

If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to read our previous posts on this issue. 


Many people in holistic medicine would agree that it is hard to improve upon what nature provides for us; however, since everyone is different with different factors that contribute to their current state of health, we advise everyone to look into all the options that are available when it comes to detoxing mercury.

For your information, aside from natural detoxing, some of the most common protocols for removing mercury are (in no particular order): 

  • Quicksilver Protocol
  • Andy Cutler Protocol
  • OSR
  • Wilking Protocol 

Most of these protocols still incorporate some or all of the natural methods we will continue to discuss in this series.

The first step of any detox is supporting the body system as a whole. 

Detoxing can be very rough, depending on your level of toxicity, and the more you do to help your body help you eliminate the toxins the better. Our last post covered some basics to incorporate into your life that will greatly improve your health and aid in the detox process. Diet, fasting, rest, deep breathing, exercise, mental posture, and proper hydration can greatly benefit people without existing mercury issues as well!

Further, there are a number of nutrients and supplements you can use to support the areas of the body that become deficient while dealing with mercury toxicity: nascent Iodine, omega oils such as 3 and 6, zinc picolinate, sulfur, selenium, methyl-B12 and Active B complex, vitamin C, digestive support (probiotics, digestive enzymes), vitamin D, and colloidal gold can be especially beneficial.

Read more about them here: Nutrients to Support Detox & Removal of Mercury Fillings 

You can find almost all of these in natural sources such as organic whole foods, but some of them you may have to get as a supplement. If you do choose to supplement with vitamins and minerals, we'd like to remind you that as far as supplements go

  1. There's a lot of total crap out there.
  2. You do not want synthetic sources--whole food, organic sources are best.
  3. Cost is not foolproof but is often a decent indicator of quality. Super cheap supplements from corporate chains have proven again and again to be contaminated or weak. 

There are a lot of factors to consider and plenty of research to be done if you want to take supplements, especially if you are aiming to avoid man made chemicals. 

The next step in a detox is the process of removing toxins from tissues and eliminating them from the body. 

Here is where all that terminology from Background Information & Key Terms for Mercury Detoxing comes in handy! This info also assumes you have already removed any large mercury deposits like amalgam fillings from your body. For more info on safe removal, click here

The conventional medical method for removing mercury from the body is called chelation. The idea is that the drugs combine with the metal in the blood stream, and then both the drug and attached mercury are eliminated via the kidneys. When using drugs to eliminate, you have to pay special attention to the half life of that drug, or how long it works before the body eliminates it.  

The natural method is a similar approach, but only natural chelators and binders are used to pull the mercury from stored locations and eliminate it.

For anyone that knows anything about mercury in the body your next question might be, "Well what about all the mercury that is stored in the tissue and is not just floating around the bloodstream?" That would be an excellent question to ask! Most heavy metal poisoned people have very little in their bloodstream (which is why a blood test is not an accurate way to determine your level of mercury exposure). 

There are foods, such as cilantro, that will pull mercury from the deepest stored places, for example tissue or organs within the body. It is wonderful we have such a simple plant at our disposal to release old stockpiles of mercury, BUT you have to keep in mind you also need something to bind to that mercury so it will get eliminated from the body instead of just redistributing itself somewhere else (possibly more dangerous than where it was originally). 

For this reason, if you do any amount of research into natural methods of heavy metal detox you will see most people give extreme caution about consuming things like cilantro, chlorella, and other natural detoxifiers, as these are weak binders. If done in too large of quantities or without taking extra binders like dulse flakes, activated charcoal, or diatomaceous earth to remove the mercury, then it can cause significant damage during redistribution. We will go deeper into this in upcoming articles. 

Also keep in mind that mercury CAN settle in any area of the body, but a natural approach will have you focus on the most common areas to clear first; brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, and jaw line.

Good rules of thumb for naturally detoxing:

Start slow and increase your detox as you are able to tolerate. 

Detoxing can potentially make you feel like 💩. Your body is working overtime to get rid of the toxic load, much as it works hard to kill a cold or flu virus when you feel sick. You will feel better after the detox when your body is functioning properly again.

Removing mercury from the body is a very SLOW process if you want to do it safely. 

This is true whether or not you are using natural or chemical methods of detox. There is an old saying of medical professionals for gauging the amount of time health recovery takes: for every one month you have been "sick" (or exposed), it will take three months to recover. 

Some people reading this may have had mercury fillings for 20-30+ years! Start adding up those months and it can become daunting, but please DO NOT LET IT DISCOURAGE YOU from starting a detox! 

This is not a hard and fast rule; it is just an idea put forth so people understand it may take a very long time - possibly the rest of your life - to detox from mercury and other metals. However, during the detox you will see results as you progress and the quality of your life will increase greatly! The sooner you start for yourself or your children, the better! ANY improvement to health is a priceless for quality of life!


Do not take anyone's word for anything when it comes to your health. Learn as much as you can about every possible option for detoxing so you can find what works best for you. Scientific advancements provides us new information each year and should not be ignored.

If you are using natural methods to detox children, please remember their bodies function very differently than adults. 

The amount they consume is not the same, their brains are constantly developing, and they have a much easier time eliminating mercury from the brain (for such diseases as ADHD or Autism), etc.

We hope this info helps you understand the process of detoxing better and encourages to take steps towards activating your optimal health! We welcome any questions you might have.

Stay tuned for Part II, which will outline the specific steps to take for a natural detox protocol.

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9273927SMOKING TEETH /  Full Version

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

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Great to see more on this very important and yet unknown topic!

A very valuable contribution to a better world!

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Thank you for the support.

I have no mercury... But this is useful information to help other people.
Thank you @gardenofeden

Yes it is very important information and maybe you can help others by knowing it and sharnig it.

Wow very thorough explanation! I am looking forward to part 2 as I very likely have some mercury and other heavy metals to get rid of.

Yes unfortunately almost everyone has to much mercury in their systems and it is very dangerous.

We published part two if you have not yet seen.

I will check it out. Thank you!

Excellent information. Thanks so much! I still have some dental work in my mouth from 40 years ago. I used to argue with my dentist back then about the mercury amalgam. He poo-pooed me! Most of them have been re-done. and I was sick for a year! I still have a few to go, terrified! In the backwater town where I live, I'm not sure if they follow a proper mercury removal protocol. Wish me luck.
Thanks for providing resources, I'm gearing up. What do you think about taking MSM before having work done?

If you haven't already you should check out the article they did about safe removal, give it to your dentist and make sure they follow the SMART protocol: https://steemit.com/health/@gardenofeden/on-safe-removal-or-replacement-of-amalgam-fillings!

Also a post was done on the supplements that help before removal, and MSM is discussed there: https://steemit.com/health/@gardenofeden/nutrients-to-support-detox-and-removal-of-mercury-fillings!

Thanks for the info!

Very Welcome!

Beyond belief that we can be exposed to mercury and fluoride as part of dental health care.

Yes it is a diabolical truth.

I am following you for more of posts like this

We will be sure to post more like this!

Thanks so much

Your welcome

Thank you @gardenofeden ! Not sure if you have but you should definitely consider adding a mention of vaccines in here and aluminum. Most vaccines contain aluminum these days which behaves similarly granted mercury is a step worse. Thank you for helping to spread awareness! So important in our day with all the pesticides and hormones in our food and water!

Yes you are right!

WE have mentioned that quite a few times in past posts in this series. This is one of MANY in the mercury series. Nice to see you are educated on that matter.

This is detailed. Thanks a great deal for sharing this

Your welcome, we are committed to posting content of real value that helps improves peoples lives.

Okay I here to read

Science is very useful friends, especially for our health, thank you for sharing ... hope you are always in the success of ....

Tony Robbins said that eating swordfish or tuna is x1500 the daily recommended amount. He was eating swordfish and tuna on a daily and later found out he had acute blood mercury levels, beware people!

Yes the sad fact is everything in our oceans and lakes are now super poisoned, not only by mercury but mass amounts of radiation coming from that nuclear meltdown in Japan a few years ago. Watch the west coast and all the sea life washing up dead on the shores.... It is very unsafe to consume anything that lived in the water. That is why an aquaponic system with uncontaminated fish is the only way to go :-)

Thank you once again for an informative post. I thought I knew most of this, but I've learnt yet more.

Great to hear, we appreciate the feedback.

As a doctor, I always try to tell my patient to start detox before some medical procedure. This post gave me some new insight. Thank you for that. I should update my latest post :)

@gardenofeden providing insight to medical professionals - that is what I like to see!

Awesome to hear! So happy to help.

Nice post! I definitely agree that detoxing any of the heavy metals it is a slow process and chelation therapy is the wrong way to go about it. I am currently on a nutritional balancing program and two other detoxification procedures that are very helpful (one most people wouldn't think twice about doing ) are coffee enemas and near infared sauna. General toxicity is off the charts in most people, and so detoxing basically has to be a way of life day in day out.

CE and infared saunas are both awesome ways to aid the natural process of detox. The sauna will pull toxins from deep areas as well, and the CE help you rid your body of toxins before they sit too long and have a change to be reabsorbed.

Wow very thorough explanation! I am looking forward to part 2 as I very likely have some mercury and other heavy metals to get rid of.

Yes unfortunately most people do and it is very dangerous!

Amalgam has been a conventional method to treat the cavities but the major drawback to it is mercury toxicity. If the right amount of mercury isn't mixed into the amalgam, the toxicity can be immediate, however, even with correct composition of amalgam, mercury can seep into the body slowly. Although there aren't any prevalent clinical signs of mercury toxicity with amalgam but the fact that mercury from amalgam does seep into the body is well established though in small amounts.
Green Vegetables are excellent anti oxidants and anti toxins which can be effective to act against the body toxins.
Very informative post, i too did a post about amalgam toxicity way back and also some of the methods other than natural, though Natural is always harmless.

very good
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