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RE: Colloidal Silver Is Antibacterial, Antiviral, and Safe Treatment for Pink Eye

in #health8 years ago

There are many factors that contribute to toxicity of silver products. First, silver is obviously toxic to bacteria and viruses, which makes it beneficial to humans. Second, toxicity is dependent on nanoparticle size, concentration, origin, and nanoparticle coating.

For clarification, one drop of our colloidal silver contains 3.6 mcg of nano-colloidal-biosilver. The recommended dose is one drop a day to boost the immune system, or a person can self medicate with maybe 10 drops for something serious. These amounts have not been found to be toxic. Additionally, the nanoparticles in this product have a proprietary coating that allows them to pass through the harsh environment of the stomach without degrading.

We have hundreds of accounts, many of them with long-term continued use. We'll continue to share our first hand experience with this product, historical testimonials, and hundreds of scientific studies that have proven the efficacy and safety of colloidal silver--we have compiled far too much research to release in a single post or comment.

Here's a tiny bit of newer research:
"Biogenic silver nanoparticles are generally less cyto/genotoxic in vivo compared with chemically synthesized nanoparticles. Furthermore, human cells were found to have a greater resistance to the toxic effects of silver nanoparticles in comparison with other organisms." de Lima, R., Seabra, A. B. and Durán, N. (2012), Silver nanoparticles: a brief review of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of chemically and biogenically synthesized nanoparticles. J. Appl. Toxicol., 32: 867–879. doi:10.1002/jat.2780

We don't endorse the use of silver products across the board, because there are huge fluctuations in quality and lots of misinformation available. Ours is the highest quality we have found, thus it is the only colloidal silver we endorse.

Diving deeper into cytotoxicity and the differences in silver products will make a great follow up post-- thank you!


"We'll continue to share our first hand experience with this product, historical testimonials, and hundreds of scientific studies that have proven the efficacy and safety of colloidal silver--we have compiled far too much research to release in a single post or comment."

Well a web page with all those scientific studies you've compiled could be shared in one link. Do you have one?

@gardenofeden - you do know that a good number of these links you've posted say that the use of silver is unsubstantiated and not safe, right? Just trying to impress us with the volume of links you've collected? And many of them aren't even about silver.

Here's the first thing that pops up on the NIH link you posted. You are literally making my case for me.
colloidal silver

Colloidal silver isn't endorsed because there is no solid evidence that it is safe or effective. Why did you provide the link if it says the opposite of what you are trying to convince me of?

That link is from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. If anyone is going to endorse something that Big Pharma doesn't have their hand in it would be them.

Excuse the formatting, here's a wee taste:

Oldenburg, Steven J., Ph.D. Silver Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications., 2016.
Alexander, J. Wesley. History of the Medical Use of Silver*. Surgical Infections. Volume 10, Number 3 2009.
Regan, Fiona, James Chapman, and Timothy Sullivan. Nanoparticles in Anti-Microbial Materials: Use and Characterisation. Dublin: School of Chemical Sciences, 2012. p. 6.
The Return of Silver in Healing: Colloidal Silver - Nature's Alternative to Antibiotics. Healthline News.
Fowler, Michael A., MBA. “Introduction” to “An Open Letter to the World About Colloidal Silver”. An Overview of Silver in Medical Mythology. 17
18 Powell, Jim. Our Mightiest Germ Fighter. Science Digest, March 1978.
John Killen, Jr., M.D. Colloidal Silver. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2014. 19
FDA Position on Colloidal Silver. EMR Labs, LLC. 2004. 20
Corr, Peter and David Williams. The Pathway from Idea to Regulatory Approval: Examples for Drug Development. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice; Lo B, Field MJ, editors. National Academy of Sciences, 2009. 22
The Facts on Silver: What is Silver?. Dartmouth Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program. 2010. 23
Silver: The Essentials., 2016. 25
Corriher, Thomas. Making and Using Genuine Colloidal Silver. The Health Wyze Report & Fidelity Ministry, 2013.
Williams, Mike. Ions, not particles, make silver toxic to bacteria. Rice University News and Media, 2012. 27
Alan B. G. Lansdown, “A Pharmacological and Toxicological Profile of Silver as an Antimicrobial Agent in Medical Devices,” Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, vol. 2010, Article ID 910686, 16 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/91068628
Kuo-Hsiung Tseng, Heng-Lin Lee, Der-Chi Tien, Ya-Lan Tang, and Yi-Syuan Kao, “A Study of Antibioactivity of Nanosilver Colloid and Silver Ion Solution,” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 371483, 6 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/37148329
Morones, Jose R., Jose L. Elechiguerra, Alejandra Camacho, Katherine Holt, Juan B. Kouri, Jose T. Ram´ırez, and Miguel J. Yacaman. "The Bactericidal Effect of Silver Nanoparticles." Journal of Nanotechnology(2005): 2346-353. Nanotechnology. IOP, 26 Aug. 2005. 30
Owens, Brian. “Silver makes antibiotics thousands of times more effective”. 2013. 32
Elechiguerra JL, Burt JL, Morones JR, et al. Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2005;3:6. doi:10.1186/1477-3155-3-6.35
Mori, et al. Antiviral activity of silver nanoparticle/chitosan composites against H1N1 influenza A virus. Nanoscale Research Letters 2013 8.93. 36
Xiang, Dongxi, Yang, Zheng, Duan, Wei, Li, Xiujing, Yin, Jianjian, Shigdar, Sarah, O'Connor, Michael Liam, Marappan, Manju, Zhao, Xiaojuan, Miao, Yingqiu, Xiang, Bin and Zheng, Conglong 2013, Inhibition of A/Human/Hubei/3/2005 (H3N2) influenza virus infection by silver nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo, International Journal of Nanomedicine, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 4103-4114. 37
Lara HH, Ayala NV, Ixtepan-Turrent L, Rodriguez-Padilla C (2010) Mode of antiviral action of silver nanoparticles against HIV-1. J Nanobiotechnol 8(1). Doi:10.1186/1477-3155-8-1
Rogers JV, Parkinson CV, Choi YW, Speshock JL, Hussain SM. A preliminary assessment of silver nanoparticle inhibition of monkeypox virus plaque formation. Nanoscale ResLett 2008; 3: 129–133. 40
Kim KJ, Sung WS, Moon SK, Choi JS, Kim JG, Lee DG. Antifungal effect of silver nanoparticles on dermatophytes. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2008;18:1482–4. 41
R. Manjumeena , D. Duraibabu , J. Sudha , P.T. Kalaichelvan. Biogenic nanosilver incorporated reverse osmosis membrane for antibacterial and antifungal activities against selected pathogenic strains: An enhanced eco-friendly water disinfection approach. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A . Vol. 49, Iss. 10, 2014 42

Colloidal silver is not endorsed by Big Pharma or the mafia that protects them. Keep reading! Why did you ask for sources?

Elechiguerra JL, Burt JL, Morones JR, et al. Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2005;3:6. doi:10.1186/1477-3155-3-6.35

From this study you linked, here's the conclusion paragraph in the abstract.

"The interactions of inorganic nanoparticles with biosystems are just beginning to be understood, and potential applications are being discovered at an increasing rate. However, in order to realize the future promise of nanoscience, it is imperative that the toxicity and long-term health effects of exposure to nanomaterials be fully explored. "

"There are many factors that contribute to toxicity of silver products. First, silver is obviously toxic to bacteria and viruses, which makes it beneficial to humans."

Not true. Silver is obviously toxic to CELLS and DNA, making it potentially harmful to humans.

"Second, toxicity is dependent on nanoparticle size, concentration, origin, and nanoparticle coating."

Do you have a source for this information?

"For clarification, one drop of our colloidal silver contains 3.6 mcg of nano-colloidal-biosilver. The recommended dose is one drop a day to boost the immune system, or a person can self medicate with maybe 10 drops for something serious. These amounts have not been found to be toxic."

Source? Both for the recommended dose and the idea that this amount is not toxic?

"Additionally, the nanoparticles in this product have a proprietary coating that allows them to pass through the harsh environment of the stomach without degrading."

Source? Peer-reviewed study, ideally published in a high impact publication?

Your asking people to believe you based on not much information, and the studies you do post have contradictory information in them - making it clear that ingesting or using silver is not at all yet proven to be safe.

Do you ever wonder why they've used silver in coins for thousands of years and no one has been poisoned?

We're not eating silver coins, nor are we grinding them up and putting the dust in our eyes.

I appreciate your resistance and skepticism.
It just proves how confident I am as not only does it not change my mind but it is just so obvious how devastating cognitive dissonance is within people.
Its been proven safe for many hundreds of years. You don't need to agree. I am continually the healthiest person every where I go and am sure you despite all your skepticism are not even in the same league.
This is a free world and I won't waste my freedom arguing with someone. Arguing is a waste of time. We have compiled extensive data and more importantly have REAL experience and PROVEN success, as do thousands of others.
If you notice you don't get any uproots for your comments yet this post is worth more than ALL of your other posts combined.
Glad we don't even have to down vote your posts. They already have no impact.

"We have compiled extensive data and more importantly have REAL experience and PROVEN success, as do thousands of others."

Yet - I have asked for this proof and you haven't provided anything substantial. The fact that the internet likes what you are selling doesn't make it true, healthy, or effective.