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RE: Depression Sucks, But Help Is Available: This Is The Most Holistic Remedy We Have Found

in #health9 years ago

It seems your mind is already set and that you are not interested in considering challenges to your opinion, given that you are quick to call this "abuse" and exercise what power you can for censorship, plus you are clinging to the "quackery" label (perhaps because it is clearly not endorsed by Big Pharma?). Nonetheless, here is some research.

Abraham, G. E., McReynolds, S. A., & Dill, J. S. (1998). Effect of colloidal metallic gold on cognitive functions: a pilot study. Frontier Perspectives, 7, 39-41.

Burnett, J. C. (1879). Gold as a remedy in disease, notably in some forms of organic heart disease, angina pectoris, melancholy, tedium vitae, scrofula, syphilis, skin disease, and as an antidote to the ill effects of mercury. London: Gould. (yes, this one is very old--but it demonstrates that gold has been known to be effective throughout history)

Fricker, S. P. (1996). Medical uses of gold compounds: past, present and future. Gold Bulletin, 29, 53-60.

Fricker, S. P. (1998). 4th International conference on gold and silver in medicine. Gold Bulletin, 31, 103-104.

Taylor, A. (1985). Therapeutic uses of trace elements. Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 14, 703-724.
