Your discrediting tactic does not stand up to the evidence we have collected. Colloidal silver is nanoparticles of silver suspended in distilled water, and the antiseptic properties of silver are preserved in the "colloidification" process. Silver is not "neutralized" or converted to some another substance; it is simply broken down into nanoparticles in this case. (Note that the silver ion is actually the active agent, which is steadily released from the silver nanoparticles.)
Colloidal silver has been used effectively throughout history, science, and experiential use. Again, there's nothing to be done for someone caught in cognitive dissonance. If you want to cling to your worldview in light of evidence to the contrary including first hand testimonials, that's your prerogative! Your mind is set and you're welcome to those opinions, but it is improper to allege "abuse" because someone has challenged your beliefs.
Please provide coherent, peer reviewed studies from credible scientific journals. Meta analysis woukd be the best