Thanks for sharing. It is possible to replace amalgam fillings with something less toxic, and there are more and more dentists offering this service. It's very important to choose a dentist competent and capable in this practice, because as you can see from the video, standard dental work releases quite a lot of mercury gas into the mouth as well.
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Do u have a dental degree or degree in human sciences ? Just because you read article and don't have experience can't make u able to draw a conclusion it just allows you to give a opinion.
But facts don't care about feelings.
And the facts are amalgam fillings have been used for over 150 years no negative effects.
As for fluoride if u are so scared of it stop drinking tea. Go google it😛
As for fluoride - you need to do a lot more than not drink tea if you want to avoid the effects of that.That is absolutely inaccurate to say there are no side effects from amalgam fillings @janus27. I have spent over 28 years of my life very ill from just that. I have done nothing but research these fillings and the side effects they present while in your mouth and after they are out for well over 6 years now, most of the time all day every day when I was too sick to get out of bed and do anything else. I started having fillings put in when I was about 6 or 7 years old and have felt very off with a whole host of illness that followed ever since then. From 2010 to 2014 I sat knocking on deaths door daily while trying to figure out why I was so ill. I saw 28 western medicine doctors who were much more comfortable telling me it was all in my head rather then helping me address the real issue of toxicity. So after tens of thousands of dollars and an entire hellish lifetime (so far), I can say without a doubt that amalgam fillings are detrimental anyone's health who has them. The minute I had my last filling removed it was as if this huge black invisible cloud that had followed above me the majority of my life just blew away and I couldn't stop smiling. I naturally detox more and more each day and my health is returning - but it is a slow process. There is a mountain of actual scientific evidence that shows how awful the effects of amalgam fillings are on the body. One woman finally even won a court case to this point.
Yes, we do have an individual with dental experience in our ecovillage.
There is extensive evidence that mercury is toxic to humans, and at very low levels, and there's no question that mercury is used in amalgams.
Fluoride is another topic in itself. Avoiding it in this day and age is not as simple as to stop drinking tea, and it's important to know the side effects of consumption and then question WHY "authorities" would not only use this substance in the first place, but put it in municipal drinking water without citizen consent.
I don't support fluoridation but that is systematical intake. Your post is about topical application!
Our post is about mercury, specifically in fillings. Did you read this?
They dont use fluoride in the water in PA anymore .... Now the kids take multivitamins with fluoride added or have floride given to them in school or at the dentist PLUS what is in toothpaste..