Thank you again for your excellent post.
I would love to have perfect vision. Since childhood I was supposed to wear glasses full time, but I never wear them unless it is necessary for driving to see long distances.
You are the second person I have come across in the past month that talked about correcting your eyesight naturally. The other person achieved it just by changing his nutritional diet. He went through 3 changes of lens till he recovered 20/20 vision, and threw his glasses away. He still has perfect vision, and he is over 70 years old!
When I have time I look forward to following your videos. Now I don't have time to join the group, but thank you for sharing all of the instructional information above.
Moses had perfect vision when he was 120 years old. I believe the Scriptures, so I know it is possible if I have faith for it.
"And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." (Deuteronomy 34:7)
Best regards
Many thanks for reminding me of this old post. I started a FB group almost a year ago now with the intention of helping as many people as I could whilst fixing my own myopia. But then I discovered Steemit!
I will be re-igniting this 'fire' here on Steemit in July and hope that you will join me in getting back what is rightfully yours - PERFECT vision :)
Many thanks for the comment and bible quote. Love it.
God is light. And is there for all to see, if only we knew how to look...
I am very excited to help people here on Steemit correct their vision both internally and externally.
Keep following for updates on this :)
Or let me know if you would like to be added to a list of people I can inform directly when we begin our 60 day healing process.
Thank you for inspirational words and the encouragement.
I can sense the goodness from God in your spirit from your initial video at your website. I haven't had the time to watch the rest yet.
Yes, if it is possible please contact me directly when you begin the sessions in July. Even though I am following your content, it is not easy to keep track of specific people's content here.