Surprisingly, saliva contains important proteins and minerals that help to inhibit gum disease and tooth decay.
Your salivary glands are what produce saliva. These glands rest in the cheek region, close to the bottom of your mouth. They are also found near the front teeth.
You could potentially produce enough saliva to fill two bathtubs a year.
Saliva protects teeth and gums and helps to lubricate the mouth.
Saliva is essential to the breakdown of food.
Germ-fighting abilities are one of the benefits of saliva, which can also prevent the dreaded halitosis or bad breath.
Food molecules must dissolve in saliva in order to be recognized by taste buds.
Saliva helps wounds in the mouth heal faster than wounds elsewhere on the body.
When you are nervous or frightened, saliva production is reduced.
Saliva samples can be used to diagnose disease.
You can get salivary gland stones similar to kidney stones.
The current world record for the longest salivary stone is 37mm long.
Saliva contains a natural painkiller.
Chewing sugar-free gum increases saliva production and is good for your teeth.
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