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RE: Why is Flouride, a known Poison, added to Our Drinking Water ?

in #health7 years ago

This is one of the biggest crimes ever against humanity, adding this poison has killed so many because a small few have willed it. Disgusting. As to the Nazi use in concentration camps, I've seen this put out there many times, but I've never seen any evidence they actually did do it. However German scientists were well aware of the what the effects of it's use on humans were, long before it was added to public water supplies and it's effects do include dulling the mind and makes people more compliant and open to suggestion. It's a disgusting practice that needs to end now! Keep up the good work man.


Well i can say that i have read articles on the internet which stated that it was not just in the concerntration camps they used it, but more the whole population, Mengler having suggested the flourification of the water supply at the onset of the war on his own people as it made them easier to manipulate and get them into the national hive think mentality necessary to believe in the propoganda ! I shall look for some of these pages and link them here if i can still find them ok !! But its true alot of the stuff which i did read on this subject have since been removed by the hidden hand as ever !! The internet is not what it used to be, back in the early 90,s ! there was I can promise you some incredible hardcore info being shared and posted at this time !!

Well one thing for sure, this poison has been inflicted upon populations around the world at various times without our consent and it's insidious use for whatever reason needs to end!

here is a post by @moderndsyhippie that also states that Joseph Mengler was responsible for the addition of Flouride to the drinking water of Nazi Germany for population control and placation !