Easy ways to improve your health

in #health5 years ago



Train your self-awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own mood, emotions and aspirations. By developing it, you increase the chances of mental and physical well-being.

For example, try to understand your motivation to play sports. When do you stick to your training schedule, and when not? Why?

There are many ways to develop self-awareness: keeping a diary , meditation, the practice of mindfulness, and just self-analysis after some specific activities or in the evening at the end of the day.

Get a dog

Classes in the gym, Pilates or morning jogging - this is what most often comes to mind when you decide to become physically active.

However, instead of sports training, there are many other ways to make regular exercise a part of your daily life. For example, you can park away from the entrance to the supermarket where you came for shopping, or stop using the elevator in the office.

But the best thing is to get a dog. If you walk with her at least 30 minutes twice a day, you can increase your activity, while also receiving emotional satisfaction from talking with your pet.

Eat more different types of plant foods

It is believed that normally we should consume five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This is about 400 grams. But one must strive not only for quantity, but also for diversity.

Megan Rossi, a researcher at the Department of Nutrition, Royal College of London, claims that we must eat 30 different fruits, vegetables and other plant foods in a week. It is its diversity that is responsible for intestinal health.

Intestinal bacteria , or microbiomes, are extremely important for the health of the body. Allergies, obesity, inflammatory diseases, Parkinson's disease and even depression are associated with them.

A greater variety of plant foods in the diet can be achieved in one simple way: a little tricky when shopping.

If the number 30 scares you, set yourself the goal of introducing one new product into the diet every week.

Smile more often

Everyone once set out to lose a couple of pounds after the holidays. Or he tried to decide how many times a week he would now go to the gym.

But we often set such goals spontaneously, and because of this it can be difficult to achieve them. And the inability to do this can even discourage all desire to try. So try to focus on becoming happier first.

To become happier, decide on one break, which will make you smile more often. Along with this, determine what makes you unhappy now - and get rid of it. And then you will be ready to seriously take up your health.

Sleep enough

Trite, but we really should get enough sleep . As a rule, a healthy adult needs 7–9 hours for this. And even a small lack of sleep (for example, reducing its duration to 5 hours) can affect to a range of cognitive functions, including decision-making ability.

Do your best to get enough sleep. For example, do not drink coffee before going to bed and go to bed at the same time every day.

But most importantly - put off electronic devices, a smartphone and a laptop, a few hours before bedtime. Or at least use a special filter or glasses that block blue light.


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Especially self awareness helps.