I found this very interesting! I do not have asthma but do have problems with sinus infections and the occasional bronchitis. I've been using a loaned to me Rife machine but it just went back to its owner last night. So I'm expecting problems to develop in the next week.
I'm going to look into this salt pipe. It might be something that I'd prefer to use in place of an electronic item.
Timely post!
oh I am sorry to hear this @goldenoakfarm. I used to frequently get bronchitis and its such an unpleasant thing to deal with. I hope you find something that works for you and quickly. :(
I asked on BuyNothing if anyone had one and someone did! She's bringing it by this afternoon. How's that for serendipity??
Oooh serendipitous is my favourite word! There's nothing better. I've never heard of BuyNothing before. I just did a quick read and absolutely love the concept. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this works for you. xo
She just dropped it off. It's full of Himalayan salt, she said she used it a couple times and it didn't help her.
I can't watch the DTube vlog, doesn't work on my puter, so you may have answered this on it.
Do you do it preventatively each day, or just when symptoms arise?
I've been using the Rife each morning, preventatively....
I did some reading just to refresh my memory and for preventative they suggest one to two sessions per day ..every day for as long as you want/need to continue.
The larger salt crystals are perfect - that is what you need.
Here is what one website says about what to expect:
I rally do hope that this provides you with a good measure or relief as it has for me. Keep me updated. If I learn any more tips I'll let you know.
Thank you for finding this out! I'll start tomorrow morning!
This is the one she gave me: https://www.amazon.ca/Himalayan-Crystal-Salt-Inhaler-Respiratory/dp/B01AVKQVLA/ref=pd_sbs_325_4/146-7612748-3587130?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01AVKQVLA&pd_rd_r=3afe3c73-7ca8-11e8-bf61-7dcaabc9bae1&pd_rd_w=nS6vj&pd_rd_wg=7XDMg&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&pf_rd_p=3743643050606576516&pf_rd_r=G0KPMN7D1EEFP8JDB4F2&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=G0KPMN7D1EEFP8JDB4F2
The salt in it is pretty large grains, much bigger than sand grains. Is this the correct size to use?
I hope you find one asap and that it offers relief ❤