i'm not going to look for it but it is out there: There is a direct correlation between the insurance companies and especially government getting involved in US healthcare that has directly lead to the absurd price hikes over the years. Competition on price doesn't exist anymore and is actually discouraged.
I live in a country where if you have no insurance, you still aren't going to break the bank if something bad happens to you because there are so many hospitals all serving at different price points. If you have insurance like mine, it covers only big things (I have to be admitted for it to pay) but this only covers big things. I pay less than $500 a YEAR for this and everyone makes money in the process too.
The elimination of competition leads to the the inevitable price fixing and upward trajectory or overall costs. Politicians who are meant to "control" this are bought off and the lies and coverups to the public ensue.
I read an article recently where an MRI costs something like 2000 dollars in the states. The same procedure here in Thailand using the same machines with the same level of expertise costs just over $100.... how is this possible?
We are def planning a trip to Thailand one of these days to get some medical work done!