Best $10 investments #1

in #health8 years ago

In this series of posts I will show some investments that will give you amazing returns that will last for years and years.

#1 Speed Skipping Rope

Skipping is one of the best exercises that you can do for an all round cardio and toning work out. You can take the skipping rope anywhere in the world in your luggage at almost no extra weight at all so you never have to miss a work out!

There are cheaper ropes available but the speed ropes for me are the best. Having a good quality skipping rope will totally transform the exercise and you are more likely to enjoy it and most importantly keep up with it!

To set the correct length stand on the rope with both feet and the handles of the rope should come to your nipples, cut the cable and then screw the stopper and put the plastic cap back on to cover the wire.

Link below for


imagine if it had bluetooth and an accelerometer to count how many jumps u make LOL #unnecessarySmartphonApp

Could be good. I try to do an amount of time with skipping because usually after a couple of minutes I'm so exhausted there is no way that I can keep count anyway. Great exercise!!!