Future Food | Marine Phytoplankton! Chinese Medicine ^^^

in #health8 years ago (edited)


Over the last five years, I've learned that the human body has an infinite capacity to self-heal.

Ancient Chinese medicine teaches us that your bodies health is closely linked to nature and the planet. When you tune in, so does your body, mind and soul.

Look at it this way:

Your body is fundamentally made up of certain minerals and nutrients. These minerals and nutrients can be damaged and wear out. Minerals and nutrients grow up from the earth in the formation of fruit, vegetables and different organisms. When you ingest nourishing foods your body has the ammunition to self-heal by repairing damaged cells and allowing the body, mind and soul to flourish.

The more nourishing the food the more ammo your body has. The more ammo the better, especially into today's unhealthy society!

This cycle can be repeated infinitely.

Basically eat good!

Interesting way of looking at medicine aye! Is conventional medicine missing a trick?


Moving onto the title of this Blog!

This is where Marine Phytoplankton comes in!


It is the most nutritious food on the planet.

The largest organism on the planet lives on the smallest organism on the planet. The blue whale can live 200 years and is sexual active till the day they die. Their diet is 90% Marine Phytoplankton! Quite amazing really!

All life originated from phytoplankton. It has the building blocks for all cells. Phytoplankton creates 80% of all the oxygen on the planet and cleans the oceans. It's the planets food.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids (both EPA and DHA)
Amino acids
Trace minerals

The health benefits go on for days. I'm not going to bother rattling them off because anyone can just google that.

I want to talk about the implication of this food!

I truly believe that nutrition is the only way to cure disease. It's time advances in human nutrition happened! I'm sick of hearing news about poor health when this information is available. Chinese medicine teaches​ us to tune in! Marine Phytoplankton is the closest you going to get. It's the planets blood force and the most nourishing food.

Scrab conventional medicine. All it does is cure symptoms. Medicine is about prevention. Allow your body to fight its own wars!

More and more research is being released showing that huge exposure to Vitamins can cure cancer. Phytoplankton has 1000's of %s of daily recommended amounts of every single element needed to sustain life. Surely​ introduced this into peoples diets would see a ​dramatic change in peoples health.

'Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food'

I hope this has inspired some of you to do some research​ into nutrition! Chinese medicine and other super foods like phytoplankton will change the world! Just need to expose the cure!

You're all legends! Please comment your​ ideas and thoughts on the future food?

Do you think we should consume it?

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Respect and peace from Greenerz!


I love your content, this is the future of food. Very inspirational! X