Vaccines and Glyphosate... You're not ready for this.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Spoiler Alert:

Glyphosate is in vaccines and the FDA is covering its ass.

We've been hearing light chatter on this for a while, but it's just been turned up to 11.

Recently, it was discovered that glyphosate is in vaccines, and it is very likely in every single vaccine. But not for the reasons you might expect.

Glyphosate is RoundUp which is a Bayer/Monsanto product. It has been implicated in harming gut flora and damaging the intestinal wall (leaky gut). But it also apparently weakens the blood brain barrier. Which means, toxins that normally cannot reach the brain have larger holes to slip through. Sum up the chemistry impacts of fluoride, aluminum, and glyphosate and... well it really sounds like we are being slow cooked in a chemical cocktail from hell here.

How is glyphosate in vaccines?

Gelatin is in vaccines. Gelatin is made from connective animal tissue. The OVERWHELMING majority of animals are not fed organic diets - in fact they are fed filler grains most of which is corn, soy, and wheat - and literally all of those are doused in glyphosate either while they grow (in the case of RoundUp Ready corn and soy) or, in wheat's case, just before harvest.

Now, think about the ramp up of the vaccine schedule, and the correspondent massive increase of glyphosate usage - both of which happened simultaneously in the 90s (maybe also recall the disastrous effects of DDT which was outlawed for good reason). Glyphosate is now found in many foods you would not expect - almost all processed foods: wine, pizza crust, breads, obviously anything with gelatin like gummy bears, etc and now revealed: in vaccines (read more if you like:

Now to this video.

A while ago now Zen Honeycutt and an independent group of scientists decided to test glyphosate levels in vaccines and found disturbing data: every single vaccine they tested (19 of 19) contained high levels of RoundUp (MMR was 25 times higher than other childhood vaccines). They sent the data to the CDC and FDA and asked them to test more vaccines to confirm their results. They eventually respond stating merely that vaccines are safe, WITHOUT mentioning any test results. And the kicker? - they claim they are no longer testing for glyphosate in anything!

So, she sends in an FOIA demand for all mentions of glyposate related to vaccine testing that the FDA and CDC has. She wants to know whether the FDA has actually tested any vaccines for glyphosate as requested.

CDC deflected to FDA. And the FDA? They responded with a MOSTLY REDACTED CORRESPONDENCE claiming, in the end, they opted to hide behind a law the grants our "public officials" the ability to hide their decision making process and only share the DECISION. This means, no correspondence before the decision was made.

Bottom line? Using this statute they can hide all their 'behind-the-scenes' damage control and get everyone on the same page in secret even when it is all documented.

Let's be real here. That's some bullshit.

If there was no glyphosate, they'd just say their test results reveal 0 ppb, but instead? Well... they certainly appear to be covering up something. Maybe it's time to revisit the revolving door between Monsanto and the FDA?

It appears the vaccine debate rages on with still more questions than answers but glyphosate in gelatin is very real. We might want to delay that vaccine schedule until we know what the hell is going on.

Here's another idea...

Why not drop the FDA a line and ask them about why they aren't testing for glyphosate anymore? It's been found almost ubiquitously in our food and now it's in vaccines. We need to know what it's doing to us.

[email protected]

Happy hunting.