Maybe sitting all day in front of desk, car wheel or computer isn't a great idea after all. Humans are not sedentary creatures, but modern televisions, computers, and automobiles have forced people to spend far longer sitting down than standing up. What happens to our bodies when we sit to much? Firstly, human body is designed to move, not sit in one place for hours. When you are sitting, one muscle groups works more than others, and in a long term creates bone-muscular disbalance (some muscle groups are more stiff and tired that others), your joints and ligaments starts to work differently, body starts to feel discomfort. In order to avoid all this you should:
- Walk more.
- Take microbreaks all the time.
- Include exercise to your daily routine.
- Leverage your TV time.
Here is a few exercise to help you with your upper back pain:
- A downward dog
- A prayer
- Upper trap stretch (both sides)
- Stretch for pain release between shoulder blades
As a massage therapist I highly recommend treat yourself regularly and go to massage therapy. In my opinion this is the best way not only to relief a back pains but also to relax and be prepared for the next day.
I hope this post was useful for you and stay tuned!
Right up my ally
Now go and do those exercises lol
Yes Sir 0_o.