Thanks for this post. I really appreciate the time you took with references.
Coming to the topic of google blocking................No it is not just google. Advanced medical courses have a very weak body of vaccine critiques. We all know that a debate needs to have two sides to reach a meaningful conclusion.
In medical science it is as if the the vaccines came from on high, from god himself and thus they don't require debate.
We need be mindful that most cutting edge medical research is not State sponsored but corporate sponsored.
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I have to go use a key word like journal or scholar to find studies. If I don't I can't find anything that has opposing views regarding hot topics like vaccines. Thank goodness I have access to libraries! I know how medical and science journals have suffered scandals any where from poor studies published to outright fraud ruled by grants and profit.
If I can't debate something in science I know it's a scam because science is not about consensus, it's about proving something doesn't work....hahaha