Top Five Tips to Burn Fat Without a Gym!

in #health5 years ago

Top Five Tips to Burn Fat Without a Gym!

Hello Hive!

If there's a time for this article, I think it's now. Many of us around the world are in some kind of lockdown as a result of Corvid-19, and I know that many of my clients have been struggling to keep achieving their goals during this time.

Even if your goal isn't fat loss, many people have been finding themselves more sedentary, snacking on junk a little bit more and perhaps even comfort eating out of boredom or anxiety. If that sounds like you, or someone you know, then these easy tips are for you. Gyms are closed right now - so let's focus on what you can control.

1. Eat a protein rich breakfast


Eating a breakfast high in protein helps you stay in shape for a wide variety of reasons. Protein increases satiety - you'll feel more full through the day up until lunchtime. It will also help improve your mental focus because it promotes neurotransmitters that are responsible for focus and alertness, rather than relaxation (as carbs do). Both of these things mean you'll eat better through the day just by setting up your breakfast with protein. Don't just stick to eggs, also try meat and fish for breakfast if you really want to feel amazing.

2. Do something for one hour that raises your heart rate, every single day

Simple. You don't have to kill yourself to improve your health a little bit. Going out for a walk, run or bike ride works great. I myself have been doing a martial arts class each day that my old martial arts coach has been doing online for students and that's been amazing. I also have a set of weights at home so I also do some weight lifting with this as well.

The benefit of this lockdown is that you can find so many workouts online using any equipment you have available - I have plenty on my blog too if you check it out here!

3. Get some sunlight first thing in the morning


This is a great tip from Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, a British GP. It doesn't even have to be sunny outside, just get yourself outside for five or ten minutes, sit and read a book, do some stretches - whatever you like! Not only does this help vitamin D production which has been shown to help boost immune system, reduce symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder and improve fat loss, it also improves sleep. By exposing yourself to natural light first thing in the morning, you create a better circadian rythme. The better you sleep, the more fat you burn and of course, the more energy (and motivation) you have to attack the day!

4. Expose yourself to the cold

Wim Hof has really popularised cold therapies in recent years so if you're not familiar with 'the Ice Man' then you should really check him out! Cold therapies can help boost the immune system, improve sleep and mobilise fats ready to be burned by your exercise and activities throughout the day. There's dozens of different ways of doing this - ice baths, cryotherapy tanks, walking around in the cold air with minimal clothing etc. but the most accessible is contrast showers. Next time you take a shower, simply run the shower cold for around thirty seconds, and then hot for around thirty seconds. Repeat this five to ten times!

5. Anchor an exercise to a task


This one is simple - when you do something in your day that already happens regularly, attach an exercise to that habit. For example, as soon as you've finished brushing your teeth, do twenty star jumps. Before you sit down to eat food, do ten press-ups. Each time you walk through a door that you walk through regularly, do one burpee. Suddenly you'll find you're doing hundreds of reps of exercise each day without even noticing!

Let me know in the comments below if you've found any of these tips helpful!

Keep Strong, Safe and SANE!

Yours in health,
Coach Ben


I really like that you emphasised the circadian clock as well as talked about the mental health issues around irregular sleep.

We all assume that we can simply beat the clock and sacrifice our sleep to "buy" some more time in a day, but at what cost? People speak about the effects of lockdown and mental health like it's in vogue because of the lockdown measures, but millions of people around the world are constantly screwing up their body chemistry through chronic sleep deprivation day in, day out.

We all know how bad we feel when we have jetlag, so imagine people working Monday to Friday and getting up at 7am and going to bed at 11pm, and then on Friday night staying up until 2am and waking up at 1pm the next day - you've just given yourself jetlag, just without the holiday! Sleep is so important

that is really beneficial to try in the time of lock downs around the world thanks for sharing this interesting post !

You know it's such a unique situation that the entire world is sharing similar experiences of lockdown - it's such a universal thing that does bring people together, even if for now we are apart!

Quite interesting times we are living in for sure But all of are may be distant apart but not that far :)

Regards@healthsquared This post is meant for me. I really need to burn some fat especially belly fat without gym. This lockdown has made me to add more flesh.

It's been a struggle for many of us! Each of these tips are designed to be easy and free - you don't have to do all of them, just make one or two a habit and you'll feel great. Thanks for the comment!

Nice information buddy

Thank you!

I am sorry to dig into your old posts. But I like this post... It is my reality now. Struggling to reduce my weight. Thanks for these tips

Thanks for reading!

Lovely health tips

This is really good .thanks for sharing this valuable post