Why I Love Coconut Oil (And You Should Too)

in #health8 years ago

Coconut Oil:



Be Sure To Get The Right Kind. Always Buy Virgin Coconut Oil That Is COLD-PRESSED.
When it is extracted by using heat or the chemical called hexane, lots of the nutrients are lost, resulting in a much less pure and less effective product for both cooking and beauty applications.


Basically, it tastes great and is a much healthier option compared to other cooking oils.

Here are the specifics:
It is an oil, and as such it is expected to have certain fats. Although coconut oil has saturated fats, they are different when compared to others like cream, cheese and butter. Coconut oil has "Medium Chain Triglycerides" which are metabolized differently. When digested, coconut oil is sent to your liver where it provides you with fast energy and has been proven to be beneficial for brain disorders like Alzheimers and epilepsy. Coconut oil also helps to improve and detoxify your digestive system.

The way coconut is metabolized enables you to have energy longer.

This means your apetite is suppressed longer and you won't have as many sugar cravings throughout the day. This means after having coconut oil in your diet for a couple weeks (and maintaining it in your diet) you will have an easier time losing weight. More energy and less cravings means a better chance for a healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, the coconut taste makes this a great option for both cooking and baking. It brings a new fresh flavor to your normal meals, and it won't sit heavy in your stomach afterwards.

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Ok, time to get serious. Coconut oil is my amazing little secret weapon.

First of all, a little goes a long way. This means the product is relatively inexpensive considering how much you get per jar. But what makes coconut oil most valuable is that it takes the place of so many other beauty products and it is COMPLETELY CHEMICAL FREE!

This is how I use it on my face, body, and hair.

  • Coconut oil is my lip balm, and makeup remover.
  • I rub it onto my cuticles to soften them and onto my nails to strengthen them.
  • I apply it to my eyebrows and lashes to darken and strengthen them.
  • I melt it and mix with sea salt and magically I have an amazing facial/body scrub that exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time.
  • I use it on all of the parts of my body that can get especially dry like my hands, elbows, knees and the bottoms of my feet.
  • It also helps as a sunscreen (although keep in mind it is an oil, so don't apply liberally).
  • Coconut oil is also my weekly oil hair mask- I saturate my hair with the oil from my scalp to the ends, wrap it up in a bun on top of my head and let it soak in over night (I sleep on a towel to keep my pillowcase from getting greasy) or throughout the day and thoroughly wash it out to reveal seriously soft and shiny hair.
  • It works great as a hair growth stimulant when massaged into the scalp.
  • It's a frizz controller when applied to the ends and an all over shine enhancer.

Did I mention that it smells like coconuts?

More About Coconut Oil Labels and What They Really Mean


Just cooked my launch with organic coconut oil ;-)
And from time to time I eat daily one teaspoon in the morning :-)
Coconut oil rocks :-)

I've certainly been guilty of having a spoonful or two of it also! Haha it is also great for whitening your teeth and cleansing your mouth if you swish it around for about 10-15min then spit it out. I add a drop of peppermint oil also so I get a minty fresh kick :)

Really nice. I do mouth cleansing thing with organic sesam oil too.
Thank you for your great tips :-)

ok im sold! I have heard good things before about coconut oil, but this post got me, im gonna try it, and im actually excited to start. Wonderful inspiration. Woo you go girl. top post

I bought a jar of it just to try it out. I stored it in the kitchen but soon discovered it's many amazing uses and then made smaller containers of it for every room in the house!

That's not a bad idea! It's one of the for best shelf life too, but I'm guessing they don't last long enough at your house to test that out :)

You're right! They do get used up pretty fast! The one in the bathroom is interesting. Coconut oil has a melting point of about 76 degrees so it's a solid to start with, then after I get out of a hot shower the container of it has transformed itself into a liquid!

wow ! the magic oil .

Absolutely :) One of many!

Thank you for an awesome post! you have convinced me to offer coconut oil on my affiliate site!

I drink it in my coffee every morning. If my hands ever get dry, it works great as a lotion!

I will buy a few coconuts tomorrow at my dealer.thank you.. a really good tip ...very good post @ heiditravels.thank you very much.greets

I received the equivalent of a medium peanut butter jar of it two weeks ago. I think it's a lady who made it herself and gave it to a common friend, but I don't know how it was made, though (cold-pressed or not). Since, it has been switched from the kitchen cabinet to the refrigerator, and the other way around, time and time again. When it is solid I can't do nothing else than taste it with a teaspoon, when liquid (but not too much) I put it on my toasts. I shall try it as lip balm since we are right in the middle of winter season here, but I won't take any risk using it as sunscreen when summer season time comes.

Reading your post made me go reach for a book in my library I was looking for, because of a lentils recipe I intend to make. The book is call Le Guide des Bons Gras.


In it, it says: copra oil is 87% of saturated fat, 6% of monounsaturated fat, and 2% of polyunsaturated fat. What's in the text has all already been mentionned somewhere here.

There are also interesting Wikipedia articles about copra and coconut oil.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut_oil

Interesting! Check out the link below this post too for more info about copra.

Thanks, I had not click on it. Going to check it out.

Those are great beauty routine tips. I never thought it could be used for some of those things. I am a big fan of it and will definitely try the hair and the facial scrub ones. Thank you.

I love coconut oil- I use it for cooking, to 'butter' my toast, I put it in smoothies. I use it to take off my eye make-up (anything else irritates my eyes), to moisturise my skin, for my hair. LOVE it!

I have been using coconut oil as my face moisturizer and leave in conditioner for 4 years now... LOVE IT! I just add essential oils when I leave it in my hair to give my hair a little perk!

Coconut oil rules! I greased an iron skillet with it earlier.

Thank you! I have been oil pulling for a bit now and enjoy reading more about it.

i love cooking with coconut oil and putting it in my coffee, organic raw cold pressed!

Aceh people also use coconut oil to nourish and strengthen the hair

You are absolutely right about coconut oil. Daily I use coconut oil at home for cooking, massaging body,and at times even apply on hair. Thanks for sharing this post

I love coconuts, I try and use the oil in all of my cooking :)

You can read what I wrote about your post here. Hi @heiditravels, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble.

Coconut oil is wonderful.

Has your opinion of coconut oil changed since the recent studies have come out?

I still use it every day. : )

Pfff, Don't believe everything the mainstream media try and tell you ;) I still use it everyday

I love it as a hair conditioner, oil pulling, and bullet proof coffee.

Great post, good organic coconut oil is definitely the best oil you can use for cooking and a myriad of other things - its versatile and just awesome!