8 Strange Information!

in #health8 years ago

1- The human body becomes paralyzed during sleep, so that it does not harm itself by interacting with its dreams! 2 - Citizens of the State of Liechtenstein do not close the doors of their homes because the crime in the country is very low ..! 3 - the nucleus of the sun so hot that if taken part of the size of the pin can produce enough heat to kill someone from a distance of 160 kilometers !! 4 - Candy Crash earns $ 850,000 profit every day ..! 5 - female starfish can put about 200 million eggs in one day !! 6 - Did you know that Gamal Abdel Nasser is the youngest political prisoner in the history of Egypt when he was arrested in demonstrations to cancel the Treaty of 36 and was 18 years old ?! 7. In 2009, the Nigerian police arrested a goat on suspicion of armed robbery. 8 - White whale is the only marine animal that has no enemies in the sea, as all marine animals scared even other deadly whales. image


Amazing !!
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