Best Ways and Timing to Clean Your Teeth!

in #health8 years ago

Cleaning teeth is one of the most common habits that help to keep your teeth healthy. There are important times to be careful to brush the teeth in the morning and evening, especially after 30 minutes of eating. Because tooth enamel is stressful after eating directly, cleaning it after eating directly contributes to weakening it, thus damaging the teeth completely. So, doctors advise you to clean your teeth before eating half an hour and after the food for the same amount of time and remove the food residue from your teeth before washing. Also avoid brushing teeth after drinking soft drinks because acids are found in a large proportion, which weakens teeth when washed.

The correct way to clean the teeth

We clean the teeth in horizontal movements, ie, we wash the teeth by passing the brush in many places scattered by mouth, but this method is incorrect. It is best to clean the teeth in circular movements where the brush is placed on the end of the tooth and the beginning of the gums and the work of small circular movements to reach the brush under the gums and around the teeth, making it up to the largest amount of dirt lingering in the teeth and remove easily. If you can not do this, you can use a small brush or brush with a small head to reach all places with teeth.

Tips for cleaning teeth

There are a number of tips that will help you clean your teeth well to keep teeth strong, clean and healthy. Make sure to use the brush and floss regularly to remove all deposits and foods that are stuck in your mouth every day in the morning and evening. You can use the electric toothbrush, where the pulsations of the brush bristles contribute to the final elimination of lime and reach hard-to-reach areas with normal brushing. Also, take plenty of water throughout the day, especially after you finish eating. This helps to prevent tooth decay due to foods that contain coffee or tea stains. Avoid smoking because it contributes to the yellowing of teeth. You should eat raw fruits and vegetables because they have a big role in teeth whitening because they stimulate the production of more saliva, which removes any effects on the teeth of these foods apples, carrots, oranges, celery and pears.

Natural recipes for teeth whitening

There are many natural recipes that help to whiten the teeth and get rid of yellowish lemon juice recipe and salt, prepare lemon juice and add a little salt and use as a massage and leave it on the teeth before spitting, which helps to whiten the teeth significantly. Lemon peel and orange helps to whiten the teeth if the teeth are rubbed out. You can also apply the strawberry recipe to get fresh teeth only. Pour one piece of strawberry and mix it with half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate until you get a homogeneous paste and then rub the teeth with the mixture using the brush for 5 minutes and you will notice the difference immediately. Repeat this recipe once a week to maintain the distinct result that you have come to: a bright smile and bright white teeth! image


Love the advice. Teeth are very important. Interesting. Thank you. I'm DOCTOR OATMEAL from the Original Oregon Island. I'm the one & only JOEY ARNOLD of VIETNAM HAWAII. I'm the Ghetto Joe Cool Kid of MAGA.

Thanks , goold lucky doctor 💙