Produce Your Own Healthy Tobacco Substitude! Part#1 Mugwort/Beifuß(Artemisia vulgaris)

in #health7 years ago (edited)

We are living in times where nearly ALL people having problems with diseases, some more and some more more! It is really important to let the people know how to cure all this shit and live finally happy and healthy again, you are a big part of it, so please resteem, if you resteem good content it brings you also new followers and more steem power and my contnt is not only good, it is fuck'n ass kickin' super awsome, upvote and reply always to my post, maybe you save some lives because of it! And please share it on Facebook, Twitter and all these other shit with the hashtah: #herbalpower 

Im planing to create a row of posts about edible herbs(collect ur own food outside), survival tips, healthy herbs(tea, tobacco substitutes, medical use) THC/CBD(weed, hash, concentrates) and a lot more thing like this, so FOLLOW ME!

My Tobacco Story:

If you dont care about my ugly ass scroll a bit down ;P

I smoked tobacco since i was arround 14-15 years old, cigarettes for sure! It was pretty easy to get them in germany, it was possible to buy them on every fuc*ing corner at cigarette machines in my small east german hometown, so it was really easy to try them! 

Cigarette machines are not the one and only way to buy cigarettes in small east german towns, here are sreally good alternatives):

Number one - Try your luck in asian stores(not food stores, the shitty ones with all these colourfull ugly decoration stuff, strange clothes etc...) I swear sometimes i saw arround 10-14years old kids buying fucking cigarettes.

Number two - Ask your russian friends in school, its even cheaper,  you pay arround 2-3euros for one pack, normally u pay 5-6euros.

Number three - Ask the older brothers from your russian friends, god damn in east germany nearly all russians know a person with some cigarettes!

(these are true thinks from my childhood, dont try it please, its only for some fun in the story!)

In front i have to say i have a lot of problems with my health, among other thinks with nose, ears, throad, lung etc!After 7-8 years smoking with arround 1-2years pause somewhere between i started smoking weed on a nearly daily base, i also smoked cannabis sometimes before, many times in amsterdam(im nearly a native there) also hashisch, ice-o-lator hashisch, extractions/dabs etc! In front i smoked like 90%of all persons with tobacco. I started to buy some tobacco alternatives like GreenGo, Knaster, Silicon Valley etc! After a few weeks it was way easier for me to breathe, the first time since arround 3-4years! So i quitted smoking tobacco completely. My lung, my nose/sinuses, my ears and throad getting better from day to day like never before, at some point it stopped getting better, BUT it was still not completely cured, so i decided to search for better tobacco alternatives by myself! 

Mugwort/Beifuß(Artemisia vulgaris) is by far the best tobacco alternative you can smoke in my opinion! since i smoke it nearly all my problems im talked about are gone! It also taste much better, the high is MUCH better if you smoke it with weed/hash/oil/concentrates, it is MUCH  healthier, its totally free because it grows absolutely EVERYWHERE(u only need to collect it!), the smell is MUCH better, it also cleans the room and the air in your house/room/apartment u will defenetly feel are total difference between before and after! enough blabla: here is everything u need to know about the plant, collect it at a good place without dogs and cars, remove the rough parts of the plants and dry it on some newspapers ore something, thats it!

left=fresh mugwort leafes     right=dry mugwort leafes

Mugwort/Beifuß(Artemisia vulgaris) Characteristics and More

Medicinal properties:

loss of appetite, antibacterial, antifungal, appetizing, reassuring, improves circulation, cholagogue, antispasmodic, menstruation, promoting, strengthening, digestive, blow promoting


bloating, cystitis, Chronic ovarian inflammation, Circulatory disorders, Diarrhea (chronic), Gynecology, Gallen weakness, Uterine cramps, Birth, Hemorrhoids, Cold feet, Cold hands, Menstrual cramps, Bad breath, Aching, Tired legs, Nervous tension, neuralgia, Period pain, Sleep disorders, Nausea, restlessness, Indigestion, Menopausal symptoms

Plant Family:



Tannins, bittering agents, e.g. Sesquiterpene lactones, flavonolglycosides, inulin, vitamins, ether, oil with: cineol, camphor, thujone

Collecting Time: 


Mugwort without flowers in early june

Mugwort for Healing

Mugwort is a topical anesthetic with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Fresh, crushed mugwort leaves applied to the skin relieves burning,  itching and pain and, with continued application, can help get rid of  warts. It is also said that coating your skin with mugwort juice before exposure to poison oak will prevent a rash. It is said that chewing fresh mugwort leaves will help relieve fatigue and clear the mind. A decoction of the roots was used also for this purpose. An infusion of fresh leaves can be used for chronic stomach complaints and to stimulate the appetite. Mugwort has also been used in Europe to induce abortions. It helps strengthen contractions and it is used in a compress  to promote labor and help expel the afterbirth. It is also used to help  regulate the menstrual cycle and ease painful menstruation and the  onset of menopause. Use in combination with ginger in a tea to soothe  difficult menstruation. On the other hand, mugwort has also been used in China to prevent miscarriage and ease excessive menstrual bleeding. It is used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to make Moxas  to cure rheumatism and to correct fetal position prior to delivery. The  fluff is carefully removed and rolled into a cylinder which is heated  and placed near pressure points to relieve pain. This method is called  moxibustion. Mugwort has been used for centuries for disorders and epilepsy, as it has mild sedative and antispasmodic properties. An infusion of the dried leaves and flowers helps expel pin worms. Mix the dry herb with honey and apply to bruises to fade them. Infusion - 1 ounce dried herb to 1 pint boiling water. 5-10 minutes.  Do not make steep for too long or it will become intolerably bitter. Tincture- Cover four ounces of fresh herb with 1 pint 100 proof  alcohol, vodka, gin or brandy. Cover and keep in a dark place, shaking  several times per day for two weeks. Do not continue to take any Artemesias for more than 1 week. Break for several weeks before taking mugwort again as regular use of mugwort can cause nervous issues. 

Mugwort flower with some leafes

Mugwort and Magic

All varieties of Artemesia are sacred to the Goddess Artemis who gives comfort (or death) to women in labor. Also, Diana through association and Hecate, Patron of herbalists and midwives. Mugwort is also associated with the moon which in turn is associated with the cycles of womanhood. Mugwort is feminine in nature, associated with the element of earth, and either Venus or the Moon (depends who you ask) and ruled by either Taurus or Libra. Mugwort can be used as a sacred smoking herb or burned as a fumigant for protection or divination.  It is safe to smoke (as safe as smoking anything is) by itself, mixed  with weed/hash/concentrates, or other smokeables in a ritual context and is said to  enhance astral projection, lucid dreaming  and other altered states of consciousness. Some say that simply keeping  mugwort under your pillow or in your bedroom will encourage prophetic  dreams. Try making a dream pillow  stuffed with mugwort. If you do keep it in your bedroom, remember that  it is closely related to ragweed and the flowers may trigger some  allergies. Others say you must burn it or smoke it in order to utilize its  conscious-altering affects. Burn mugwort in an incense burner as you use  divination tools to help open your mind to any messages coming in. If you are not pregnant, a cup of mugwort tea before bedtime will also encourage lucid dreaming.  Hanging mugwort over or on a door will keep unwelcome energies from passing through. A garland or girdle of mugwort can be worn while dancing around the midsummer balefire and thrown into the fire at the end of the night to ensure protection throughout the year. Its an old germanic ritual, maybe 0,01% of the people in germany still know about this. Thanks to

Mugwort leaf

Mugwort in History and Folklore

The name Mugwort is said to have come from the plant's traditional use of flavoring beverages- you drink them out of mugs, see? Another theory suggests that the name came from a word meaning "moth" alluding to the plant's usefulness at keeping away pests. Wort is an old term for "plant", especially one of a useful nature. Roman soldiers put mugwort in their sandals to keep their feet from getting tired. In Holland and Germany the plant was considered sacred to John the  Baptist who presumably wore a girdle of Mugwort. The plants are gathered  on St John's Eve, made into a crown and worn to protect from possession, disease and general misfortune. Poultry and grazing animals enjoy this plant, and it may be the same  Artemisia of Pontos lauded by the ancients as excellent for fattening  livestock. In Wales, mugwort was tied to the left thigh of a woman having a  difficult labor. But it was believed that if the mugwort was not  immediately removed after the birth, she might hemorrhage. Thanks to

Additional Notes and Warnings

Mugwort should never be used internally during pregnancy or lactation  or by anyone who has pelvic inflammatory issues as it can cause uterine  contractions and can be passed through the mother's milk. 

How/Where to find?

Mugwort is a member of the daisy family (Asteracea) with  characteristic disk flowers in panicles, (a panicle is a flower made up  of many small flowers, in groups, several off the same stem) very small,  reddish or greenish yellow. Unlike other members of the family Asteracea, mugwort's flowers, and those of its other close Artemesia  relatives, are not very showy or attractive, but they do give off a  great deal of pollen which can aggrivate the sensitivities of anyone  allergic to other members of the the Asteracea family, such as ragweed. 

1 Mugwort can grow from three to six feet tall on an erect  purple-tinged stem. The leaves are feathery, greyish green with silvery  fuzz on the bottom, deeply pinnately lobed. This herb has a rather bushy  habit. Mugwort blooms from July to September.  It is native to Europe & Asia but has naturalized through much of  the world. Mugwort enjoys weedy areas and waste places where the soil  has been disturbed and there is plenty of sunlight. 

Mugwort with flowers in august

Thanks for Reading Steemians!


Excellent post ! Very informative for people

excellent excellent excellent post. this is the first one i've seen from you but after having a look at your blog it certainly won't be the last, so many great posts. you can count on my vote.

chuck approves.jpg

hey Sehr guter report da ich selber Russe aus baden württemberg bin ,kann ich theory mit den zigaretten 1000% falls du welche brauchst kannst dich melden xD...werde dich auf jedenfall followern und die alternative ausprobieren .

danke dir! nein habe komplett mit dem tabak aufgehoert, trotzdem sehr nett! ;P probier es einfach mal, grade in der bong absolut geil, aber echt nichts fuer anfänger :D

gut das kein anfänger bin :) cannabis pro brudi :) 24/7 ...

Excellent! tobacco isn't too expensive yet here in Portugal, but if this stuff tastes okay and it's free I'm all for it.
tomorrow I'm out hunting mugwort lol

u will like it ;) mugwort hunting is fucking easy, have fun man 8-)

Wow, i didn't know you could smoke mugwort much less all its other qualities. I'm following you!

thank you very much @chelsea88

Why, of course :)


Nice content @herbs420, do you know more about Cannabis stocks like in my article (
Maybe we can share some thoughts!

hey, sorry my money goes into crypto at the moment, DECENTRALIZED! ;D

This is very interesting, thank you for the post!

no problem, thanks!

Very remarkable post! <3

thank you!!!

Very interesting post! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

thank you mate!

You're welcome.

Power of herbs is non stopable

u are so right mate! ;)

Your English is spot on, as I'm sure your herbs are ;-)

thank you man, and yes, all of them 8-)

Heck yeah nice post man i never knew this, Keep up the post love it!

i defenetly will, thanks for your feedback mate!

Nice post! Thanks for resteeming my article. Following back :)

Thank you, ur article deserve it a lot, no fucking problem!


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