Benefits of Black Honey

in #health8 years ago

The sweet honey is produced by a common flowering or flowering bee, and not a flower or special flower. Then the resulting was common in the sense of sweet. If the bees that produce Black Honey Bit the bees suck flowers from the Mahogany Tree Flower and the Kapok Tree to wake up Bitter. There are many benefits of Black Honey among others are as follows:

Can Neutralize Blood Sugar Levels

Black Bitter Honey can menetralizing blood sugar levels or Diabetes Militus and lower blood sugar levels. And with the decrease in blood sugar levels, of course will shrink the eyes that have begun to blur, accelerate the process of drying the wound in diabetics are commonly wet and difficult to dry.

Overcoming Uric Acid Disease

If you are old enough, Uric acid disease will be easy to approach you. The body often feels shrivel, pain even to swollen. Well, bitter black honey has detoxive properties, so purine substances the main cause Uric Acid, can decompose and wasted through kidney aid. By drinking black honey bitter, your uric acid is complete, body light and not stiff again.

Improves athletic performance

In ancient times, ancient Olympic athletes always ate honey and dried figs to improve their physical abilities. This is consistent with modern studies that show superior honey in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery times compared to other sweeteners.

Heals wounds and burns

Honey for centuries has been used for wound care and ulcers. Honey can also act as antibiotics and antibacterials that inhibit skin disease.

As Antibiotics

Honey is very acidic so not suitable for bacterial growth and proliferation. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which is a remarkable anti-septic. The process of osmosis in honey eradicates the bacterial viscosity of honey that contains little water due to the process of osmosis absorbing air from bacteria in wounds and burns, just like air sponges. Honey dries bacteria for bacteria to grow.

Preventing Cancer and Heart Disease

Two of the most dangerous diseases on earth this can also be done by consuming honey. Substance in honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants that help reduce some types of cancer and heart disease.

Treat Cough and Strep throat

Anti-bacterial content in honey can fight inflammatory microbacterial causes, even honey can kill bacteria that cause infection in the throat. In addition to health benefits, honey is also often used in the field of beauty. High content of antioxidants in honey can fight free radicals and cell aging.

Increase Stamina

According to research results, honey can improve performance, which can. Improve the performance of athletes Honey can help the body control blood sugar and also helps healing plus stamina after heavy activity.

Brighten Lips And Make Lip Moisture

Like how to prepare pure honey, then pour into tablespoons, then dilute honey by heating it for a while or honey remove the white foam. Apply honey that we have heat to your lips area evenly.

Benefits that can be taken from honey is for lip care, it turns out honey can help you to make dry lips become moist, and change the dark color to a natural red.

Eliminate Acne

The cause of acne clogged skin pores by dirt. Honey has efficacy against infection due to this blockage and can pull the impurities out the pores. Honey can also kill the bacteria that cause acne on your face.

Whiten Face

The next honey benefit is. By removing dead skin cells that exist on the outer skin surface. Materials needed 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon oatmeal and 1 teaspoon lemon water.

Moisturize Facial Skin

Humectan compounds in honey can care for dry skin. However, someone with oily skin can also benefit from honey because its sweeteners can help maintain skin moisture and elasticity.


This is useful to know

Truly many friends who do not know the benefits of honey