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RE: Measles don't kill people?! - A new shocking WHO report!

in #health7 years ago

Seems like I survived mine and should be immune. I never realized it was dangerous for kids, I was always told for kids it is not dangerous but if adults get it might a bit more risky. But of course, this might just be the opinion of some narrow-minded old people and not researches. I personally never had any real opinion about it.

Anyways, probably this will be worth remembering or keep an eye on as time goes by for (hopefully) I get kids myself one day and will have to make the decision. :)


Dangerous is a relative aspect - for some people it might seem not dangerous since all the people in their local community got over it. If you neighbors kid dies from it, I am sure it feels more dangerous to you. Just a thing of personal perspective.

For worldwide medicine however, personal perspectives shouldn't matter too much compared to solid scientific statistics and data. And the data clearly shows that vaccinated communities suffer from way less deaths due to measles.

I hope you will find the perfect solution for you and your future kids then :)