I have a nose problem since 9 years ago. I'll sneeze every morning when I get up early. Sometimes I will sneeze all day and it will only stop when I have sleep. After sleep, my nose will recover. Sometimes when it serious, my nose will cause my eyes pain, headache and my ears pain too. My nose also will cause me difficult to breath.
I've seen many doctor, most of them just gave me a flu medicine. I also seen a nose specialist and he told me I have a sensitive nose. He said sensitive nose could not be cured, he gave me a nasal spray. The medicine only gives a temporary impression and my nose is still the same until now. Every morning sneezing, when I switch on the air conditioning in my room, my nose will start uncomfortable and sneeze. My nose is very sensitive, I can not be in the place where people smoke, where people are packing things or sweeping the floor, place that have dust, my nose will soon be uncomfortable and then I will sneeze whole day. My nose problem caused me very uncomfortable, and also it make me couldn't smell anything and couldn't taste anything.
Is that what the specialist doctor said that my nose could not be cured? Does anyone in steemit have a way to cure or solve my nose problem ?? Just give me a comment and Your help is really appreciate :) Thank you so much