Hello there amazing people! :) I wanna tell you a story today about how my day went and share a little bit of weird stuffs I've seen on my way home.
In the morning, everything was normal. I went to the review center, took my comprehensive exams, attended lectures, stressed myself out for the coming Licensure Examination for Teachers in March, and so on.
DISCLAIMER: The pictures below are quite gruesome. Make sure you're not eating when reading. :D LOL!
On my home, I had this seatmate in the jeepney (public transportation in the Philippines) who looked pretty and smart. She was wearing a blue green, flowery dress. She had a bit of make-up on and earphones in both ears. While looking at her at a glance, I was very surprised because I saw LICE ON HER HAIR! HOW EMBARRASSING!
Lice are little blood suckers.
(They look exactly like this in a 200 times magnification on your hair)
Lice can live in your hair whether or not it's dirty or clean, in contrast of what others say that they only live in dirty hair. No folks! They can live right there whether you take a shower everyday or not! (now you're scratching your head...haha!)
According to the National Geographic, there are 400 different species of head lice. (wow! that's a lot!) They can grow from 0.3 mm upto 11 mm in length. They use their claws to hang on to your hair. They are the most difficult insects to remove from your head because they are clever - they can shutdown their breathing hose to avoid drowning during shower. (what the heck!)
Where do they come from?
There is no verified fossils of lice that has been traced in the history but there are speculations that they came from the Egyptians and Greeks because some people wrote about it in the prehistoric American Indian mummies.
In the UK, there are 3 million people who are suffering from louse infestation and in the Philippines, based on the 2000 survey, there are 9 million of them suffered. And the number goes higher and higher every year.
There are a lot of ways to remove or prevent head lice from living with you in your bed. Here are my 3 tips.
1. Avoid hair to hair contact with people who have it.
Head lice cannot fly or jump. They just crawl from your friend's hair to yours. So you better get rid of sharing the same bed like during slumber party, during camps when you have to share the same tent with a friend who is infected.
2. Avoid borrowing someone's hair brush.
Especially for girls. We are so fond of borrowing someone's brush at school and at the office so you gotta be careful whose brush you're using.
3. Nit-picking and combing
If you already have head lice, picking the nits is a good way though it's a bit of a hassle because it's a long process. You wanna buy a fine tooth comb and brush your hair when wet. You can also use over-the-counter special cream that you can find in any drugstore to help you remove those suckers.
When I was a kid, I suffered from head lice so everyday my mom picked the nits from my hair or comb it when its wet. She did it for a week or two consecutively. Picking the nits can be very painful so I cry most of the time. (hahaha!) If you have kids with head lice, you can use a baby oil or an olive oil to make it easier to pick these parasites.
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor! :D
Seriously, if these lice don't wanna leave you alone, please visit a specialist. This is seriously itchy!
I have to share this article with a friend, my friend has a recurring lice issue and this looks very helpful
sure @gixxer0mike. i'm glad this would be a help :)
ewwww like super ewwww!
can we eat those? hahahaha
nice post!
sure you can! hahahahaa. thanks for the upvote. upvoted your post too.
followed you :)
thanks for the upvote and i followed you too!
Last December, I tried to look at them using a metallurgical microscope because I wanted to take a photo. I wasn't able to because it's disgusting. I can see the heart and the organs. It's translucent and I can clearly see the movements inside their bodies. I'll try to take a picture again. I'll share it with you. Haha
I'm not sure what metallurgical microscope is but I know a microscope. HAHAHAAH! it is indeed disgusting and super lami irukon! uggghhh!!! kutoon bya ko saona. wahahaha!
thanks in advance amega nga ig-agaw. :D
If you know someone who has this, pls recommend Kwell shampoo from the pharmacy. Good thing my kids' school have lice inspections every first Monday of the month.
nuh? akoa te kay LICEalis. :D
I used to have a neighbor who got her head infested with head lice. She ended up pouring gas on her head. Such an unhealthy and dangerous way to get rid of those creatures.
OMG! good thing she did not light up a match :D hahaha!
I was thinking of the same thing too. nonetheless it was unhealthy for the scalp and for the hair as wellm
Thanks for this helpful article @honeyletsgo. I'm looking forward for your next blogs. How about dandruff? haha i'll be sooo much interested about that haha
thanks @nikkabomb. :D I might right about dandruff on my next posts. hahah.
that's definitely a great idea @honeyletsgo. Aabangan ko yan! hehe
Hi @honeyletsgo, your post was nominated for an upvote by @steemph.cebu for it's thoughtful community content. Steem on friend :D
I am so overwhelmed @sndbox. :) I am more motivated to do my best everyday and help more steemians in this community. Thank you very much.