HEALTH 101: Is Sunlight Poison or Is It Good For You? What About Light from Your Iphone?

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Life on Earth evolved for millions of years under sunlight. You think in the last 100 years the sun has suddenly become poison to us? Or do you think we might be doing something to eff things up? Blue light is always found in sunlight but the key is, you never find it without red light. There is always a balance. Natural and balanced blue light at the right time (during the day) is healthy for you. 

The problem is that most of you spend all day indoors under fake light. LEDs, iphone and computer screens flourescent lights etc. The vast majority of these artificial lights emit five times the amount of blue light found in sunlight! And even worse, there is very little to no red light to balance the light spectrum out. 

This long term and high powered to unbalanced blue light is very toxic to you and your mitochondria. You can think of blue light as very stimulatory. You can think of red light as very regenerative. All blue and no red means you are never regenerating, never repairing. Kind of like if you used your car and never took it to the mechanic when the "check engine" light came on. What would happen? Your car would break down eventually. And break down faster than if you took it to the mechanic. 

Your skin is loaded with photoreceptors, chromophores and fluorophores. These things are there to collect, emit and absorb all the different frequencies or wavelengths and colors of light that life on this planet has evolved under. They basically charge your body and help keep your systems running efficiently. So the kind of light that you allow to hit your eyes and skin can have powerful effects, almost like a drug. Knowing this, do you think its healthier to get the kind of light that life has evolved under for millions of years or get the kind of light that man has developed in the last hundred years or so?

The current medical establishment has, just like with demonizing fat, gone way to far and demonized the sun. Specifically the UV wavelengths. They want you to lather yourself up with uv blocking sunscreen and wear clothes and sunglasses constantly and say nothing about you being inside under an unbalanced artificial spectrum of light all day and night long. Remember that blue stimulates and red regenerates. What do you think that artificial spectrum of light is doing to the photoreceptors in your skin and signaling to your eyes? Follow their program and your body will not work as it was designed to work and disease will arrive quicker.

So what about UV? Well, I'll write a more in depth article on that soon but here's a quick overview.

You need UV to stay healthy. Some of the proven benefits of UV exposure are that it sulfates cholesterol so it doesnt turn into the dangerous kind, it makes vitamin D, reduces your overall risk of cancer, regulates and optimizes your hormones, lowers your blood pressure and reduces risks of heart attacks and strokes, boosts bone density, decreases bad fat etc etc. 

So why does the medical establishment tell you to be scared of UV? Because they have no clue how the sun and its different wavelengths of light work during the day and how each part of the day prepares you for the next part. For instance....

When the sun first rises in the morning, it has gentler red, blue and green wavelengths, infra red and very little of the stronger UVA or UVB reaching you. This signals your mitochondria to make antioxidants to protect you from the stronger sun later in the day and also shuts off your melatoin secretion and starts the secretion of other hormones like cortisol to wake you up and get you in day time mode. One thing so important about morning sunlight is that even though your melatonin secretion is shut off, the morning sunlight is actually needed to make more melatonin. A little later in the morning (usually around 10am) UVA shows up and deactivates the hormones released earlier in the morning (so your body does not burn out its supply), increase nitric oxide production to lower blood pressure and make your cardiovascular system run smoothly and further signals your body to prepare for the upcoming UVB rays. Then a bit later UVB arrives and makes sure your body is making cholesterol that won't hurt you and vitamin D that will protect you. Finally at sunset, the strong light signals go away fading into red and finally darkness which tells your body its time to start secreting melatonin to get ready for rest and repair. 

So as you can see from the above, you actually need more sunlight in your life and not less for your body to work as it should. The easiest way to start is with baby steps. When you first wake up, get outside for a few minutes and let the sun hit your uncovered eyes and skin. Then around 10am, do the same for some UVA rays. Just a few minutes. Then around noon get outside for a couple more minutes for the UVB rays. Then later in the day get outside for the redness of dusk and darkness signal and don't ruin it by sticking an iphone in your face at night and giving your body a signal thats its daytime when its really nightime! After doing this for a while, you'll be able to increase your time in the sun and you should see significant improvements in how you feel.