The Benefits of Srikaya Fruit for our Health

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever eaten a fruit of this one? people called it by the name of Buah Srikaya ...


This tree grew up next to my house 5 years ago, I never planted it. But when this tree begins to bear fruit, almost every week I enjoy the delicious fruit.


And honestly ... before I never know what the benefits of this sweet and delicious fruit, but I often eat it with children and family.
My neighbors can take it whenever they see the Srikaya fruit ripe on the tree in my yard, even if there are guests who come to visit me ... they also take it from the tree to take home.


Extraordinary !!
After I read some articles about the benefits of this Srikaya fruit, finally I want my friends Steemian also know about this !!

Here is the Benefits of Srikaya Fruit for our Health:

Benefits of srikaya for health - Srikaya fruit is a type of fruit that comes from western Hindia, this fruit not only has a delicious taste but also has many benefits for our bodies. Srikaya fruit has a remarkable efficacy in overcoming various health problems, it has been in the past since the days until now. The fruit trees of srikaya can grow anywhere, even in the area of rocks can also grow as long as it can be exposed to sunlight.
Srikaya fruit has the Latin name Annona Squamosa, this fruit has characteristic as round fruit shape and there is a bulge on the skin like soursop fruit. While srikaya fruit is white and has a sweet taste, usually srikaya trees will bear fruit after the age reaches 3-5 years with a height of 8 meters.
Srikaya fruit has many nutrients in it, so the benefits of srikaya for health proved efficacious in treating various types of diseases.

The Benefits of Srikaya Fruits
Here are some benefits that can be found for the health of the body, including:

  1. Improve the digestive tract
    Srikaya fruit has a good fiber content, so it can improve the digestive tract and prevent constipation, constipation and able to get rid of toxins contained in food.

  2. Treating diarrhea
    Srikaya fruit contains highly efficacious tannin substances in stopping diarrhea.

  3. Treating ulcers and ulcers
    Srikaya fruit contains antiseptic that can kill bacteria and ripen boils, so ulcers and ulcers will quickly dry and heal. The trick is, take the srikaya fruit to taste then puree and add a little salt. After that, stick to ulcers or ulcers. Then dress with gauze and change 2 times a day.

  4. Srikaya fruit can also be efficacious to kill head lice on the scalp, the way is: prepare the seeds of srikaya fruit 1o grains and srikaya leaves as much as 1 handheld, then mashed until smooth. Then put on the head evenly, then wrap with a towel and let stand for 1 hour. Then wash thoroughly, avoid eye contact because it can cause irritation and inflammation of the eyes.

  5. Benefits of srikaya fruit can also treat intestinal worms in children, the way is: Prepare fruit srikaya 1 fruit, then boiled with 2 cups water to boiling and remaining 1 cup only. After that, add a little brown sugar to taste a little sweet and let stand until a bit cold. Then strain and drink 2 times a day ½ cup.

  6. Prevent cancer
    It turns out srikaya fruit has a very high antioxidant content, so it can be efficacious in killing cancer cells in the body. The trick is, puree 1 pieces of srikaya and boiled with 2 cups water to boiling and remaining 1 cup only. After that, strain and let stand warm and then drink regularly every day 2 times a day as much as 1 cup.

• It is not advisable for pregnant women to drink the decoction of srikaya fruit, as it can lead to severe interference and contraction of the uterus.
• Do not drink too much, because it can cause harmful effects on the heart.

May be usefull for all....thank u :)