Sorry to hear you're going through this. I'm curious how you found out that it's heavy metals that are causing your problems?
It sounds like you have a great regimen to make yourself well again. If I can recommend anything - listen to some Solfeggio tones (free on youtube) and or purchase a mind-body balancing audio program such as Holosync of Hemi-Sync. They will do wonders to boost your body's natural healing abilities. They have embedded frequencies within soft music and natural sounds that when you listen to alpha and theta sound waves, really give the system a boost. Hope this may help.
Keep healing and feeling better.
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Hey @hypnopreneur! I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. Somehow I missed your comment! To answer your question, I found out by doing a specific heavy metal test where they gather a large sample of hair from the lower part of the scalp.
I'll check out those Solfeggio tones, thanks for the recommendation. That's something I've never heard about before. Anything that can speed up the recovery, I'm on board! :)
No problem and thanks for getting back to me when you did. :) The reason I asked is that if this test is not extremely expensive and difficult to get done I will probably want to do it myself. I've got quite a few silver mercury filings from back when I was younger and idiotic "Doctors" of Dentistry thought it was ok to do things this way. If you can give me a name / or what the process is called and anything else about it, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll even tip some SBD for taking up your time to do so. :)
Oh and if you're listening to the Solfeggio tones through youtube, a channel called Meditative Mind is my favorite - they have tons of great ones.
The hair sample test isn't too expensive, but the blood samples can be. I could refer you to the doctor who did my testing if you'd like! I'm sure he could help you find an at-home test kit or a doctor in your area. If you'd feel comfortable providing your email, I'll do an intro for you. If not, I can give you his info and you can reach out. Let me know! :)
I ended up listening to a few the other day while working and it seemed to relax me more than not having anything on. I'll have to check out that channel, thanks!
I'm really glad you felt some benefits from listening to the healing tones. They have a cumulative effect, sort of like exercise for your mind. So after your first few listens you may well start to notice a progressive effect in helping you relax more fully.
Would you really send me those things? That would be wonderful! I usually try to do at least one type of cleanse / detox every year and your post really got me thinking. Because I know how toxic mercury is to the body and not really sure at all about what it's done / doing to my body by having mercury fillings. My email is [email protected] any additional info, names of test, doctors, referrals etc would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :-)