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RE: A Birth Story Trilogy: From Cesarean to Homebirth

in #health7 years ago

I am so sorry to hear you had such a traumatic birth but really elated that you got your empowering wonderful homebirth all women are entitled to! I had an unassisted pregnancy and birth that was the most magical experience I could have ever imagined and am now constantly working on educating others on the dangers of medical interventions and the wonder that is the natural process! Thank you so so much for sharing such intimate moments of your life!


It is magical, isn't it?
I would love to try unassisted, but my hubby isn't comfortable with that...I'll certainly compromise with midwife home births, though!
Thank you <3
I don't regret, or feel bad about the first experience. It was my learning curb to look back on. It helped make me who I am today, gave me something solid to lean on when I started researching and came across thoughts of doubt. I experienced it. You can't get any more proof or confirmation than that!
I love having babies now! :) We are actually trying for number 4 ;) I can't wait!

Oh my goodness that is so exciting! I absolutely LOVE having babies too! Can't wait to start the process over again when little man is a bit older and we are all ready for number 2! Sending you all the baby dust I can muster up! And I agree completely midwife home birth is way better no home birth. I actually think midwifes are incredible and wonderful tools for women to use. I just personally feel best having only my partner and myself present and in the future also having our son present if he wants to be of course.