Isn't much of what we think we know just what we have been taught and not necessarily what we know or what our body is telling us?
One guy or girl has big muscles but are they happy inside? Another guy is large and doesn't have a mirror or skinny people all around him telling him he is fat and unhealthy.
I wonder in reality of that who will be the happier person. The one consumed with fitness or the one consumed with living?
You have to realize that much of what we are taught has an agenda behind it.
Knowing that, we have to decide what the agenda is and if it is benevolent or not.
So many experts are only experts in the crowd they have made a life in. I refuse to listen to the crowd any more. I am going to walk on the narrow path and find a way to stay on it and focus on life and happiness not on what the so called experts say.
Have you ever heard of the book "Dead Dr's don't Lie"?