in #health7 years ago (edited)

What is Prostate cancer?

I was among the group of people who thought it was prostrate cancer at some point too oh so don't be shy about it,it's PROSTATE not prostrate, now you know, prostate cancer is the development of cancer in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system that produces some of the fluid in semen and plays a role in urine control in men.The prostate gland is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum.Most prostate cancers are slow growing; however, some grow relatively quickly.The cancer cells may spread from the prostate to other area of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes.It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men worldwide.


Sexual factors;Several case-control studies have shown that having many lifetime sexual partners or starting sexual activity early in life substantially increases the risk of prostate cancer.An association with gonorrhea has been found(uncle zip up your trouser small),viral infection,genetic influences,diets, medication and many more are rampant causes.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

There are usually no symptoms during the early stages of prostate cancer.However,if symptoms do appear, they usually involve one or more of the following:

Frequent urges to urinate, including at night difficulty commencing and maintaining urination,blood in the urine,painful urination and, less commonly, ejaculation difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection may be difficult.Advanced prostate cancer can involve the following Symptoms:

Bone pain, often in the spine, femur, pelvis, or ribs,bone fractures and if the cancer spreads to the spine,it may lead to leg wobbling.

It can be diagnosed by tissue biopsy and medical imaging.Further tests will be carried out if cancer is detected.

If detected early,prostate cancer can be treated. Treatment is different for early and advanced prostate cancers.For the early stage prostate cancer,watchful monitoring,radial prostatectomy,brachytherapy and conformal radiation therapy can be used.For advanced Stage,chemotherapy,and androgen deprivation therapy can be used.

World cancer day

World Cancer Day is a global observance that helps raise people’s awareness of cancer and how to prevent, detect, or treat it. This event is held on February 4 each year?

What do people do?

People, businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations work together on World Cancer Day to help the general public learn more about the different types of cancer, how to watch for it, treatments, and preventative measures. Various activities and events include:Television, radio, online, and newspaper advertisements, and articles that focus on the fight against cancer.
Nationwide campaigns targeted at parents to help them minimize the risk of cancer within their families.Breakfasts, luncheons, or dinners aimed at raising funds for cancer research, or projects that help to fight cancer. Many of these events feature keynote speakers or video presentations.Public information booths featuring information kits, fact sheets, booklets, posters, and other items that promote the cancer awareness, prevention.

What can you do?

Tell someone about cancer, Feb 4,2018 will be great.It's 13 days from now.You don't have to wait till then before you save a life by telling someone about cancer.Encourage someone living with cancer today. Put a smile on thier faces.Cancer is not a death sentence.Like this post,share and tag friends to learn about cancer.You musn't be a victim before you join the fight.
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I CAN,you CAN,we CAN.
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