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RE: Secrets of Aging Younger: Fitter: Healthier: Longer.

in #health5 years ago

I like that.Thank you steevc. You appear to be doing the sensible things for a full lifespan.And you are a musician, which I think is a big plus for good mental health.

I yearned to play and aged 60 I opened a music shop in rooms above the restaurant.I also had lessons to learn music keyboard,but could not reach the standard I wanted,and experienced many frustratiions,embarrasments,but also many happy memorable moments with lots of laughs..

There is enough material from my time in the music industry for another book !!!

Music Plus (2).jpg


You have been very enterprising. Running a music shop could be a lot of fun and a great way to meet musicians, but I appreciate it is hard work. My dad started playing classical guitar in his late 70s, but he is getting a little frustrated by his progress. I told him to find things to play that he enjoys. It does not have to be about exams. The best thing for any musician is to find others to play with and starting our local pub sessions is one of the best things I've done.

Thank you.It wa a lot of fun steevc.But like your dad I was over ambitious and in a hurry to make up for lost time.

I played out in 2 pubs with a programme of songs I learned parrot fashion.O.K in the first busy busy pub.No one took much notice amidst the babble of noise.

Disaster in the second pub! I had memorised celebration tunes like happy birthday,but people were asking for songs that reminded them of their courting days,and the embarrasment of that evening brought an end to playing out.

But yes,I have more vivid memories.predominately happy ones, of the music shop & music school than any other business sector I worked in.