Adjust Your Lifestyle to Manage Pain

in #health7 years ago

It’s a wrecking pain that is affecting every move you want to make. It is challenging the activities assigned to you, the thoughts you are having, and you are not getting enough rest in bed.


You are suffering because apart from the discomfort, your mental and emotional status is also at stake here. There are more stressing issues than before, and the resultant frustration is sucking away the motivation. You are now a tired person.

With all that in your mind, have you ever looked at your lifestyle and what it has to do with the pain? Research has already revealed that how you live can help you get ahead despite that chronic illness that is affecting your overall physical ability. Simple actions that are vital to all of us include eating healthy and exercising to keep up with the weight and age.

With me today are some of the things that you can start on and look forward to getting comfortable once again in your life. It is not easy living with pain since no one ever fully understands, but taking the following steps one at a time, I believe we will get somewhere.

Helpful Relaxation Techniques

Getting time to relax helps ease the mind, reduce the stress hormone levels, offload your muscles and it also uplifts your self-sense. Using them on a daily basis or after a fixed period will counter the pain and all the catastrophes that come with it.

You don’t have to pick everything for the sake of trying out. Just select the appropriate technique for natural healing and relief. It could also mean music, some activity you love doing, a walk, talking to someone, and the list goes on.

 Guided picture formation:

You need to breathe deeply and slowly here. You can imagine a serene environment where you are relaxed, safe and fresh. Add some sounds to it, colours, a little aroma and what you feel about it. Make sure it goes on for the next 5-10 minutes per session or day.

 Foursquare breathing:

We will be counting four all through. Start to breathe deeply so that your stomach goes up and down each time you do it. Inhale and count to four, hold and count again to four, then exhale as you count one more time one to four. Hold still for another four counts and then repeat the cycle nine more times. Total will be ten after the first trial.

 Hypnosis:

It is considered as the best when it comes to pain relief. Use it to help you in a situation that seems difficult such as sleeping during the night. You can create audio that will help you go easy on the process.

 Changing your mind:

Have some self-talk so that you can change your thinking mode and how you view the pain. A good example is, instead of thinking how pain prevents you from studying, you can think of having ample time to read some useful texts and taking it a little at a time.

 Meditation in mind:

Sit down quietly and reflect on your breathing without interfering with it. If the pain interrupts the silent moment, simply acknowledge it instead of pushing it away. Take it like a moving object that will soon be gone. Continue focusing on your breathe and keep it that way for the next 20 minutes.

Sleeping Comfortably

You have the pain, and among other things, it is making you have long sleepless nights. Maybe you are under medication which also interferes with your resting ability. It may be impossible to the shut the eyes or the drugs might cause fatigue to lead you towards unlimited bed time. Sleep is essential for coping with pain since your body gets energized.

Here are some of the considerations to try out and see if you will recover the slumber days.

 Sleep at the same time every day:

Just do it and be strict about the time. Your mind and body will get used to it and know when it’s time to rest.

 Medication strategy:

Have a conversation with your doctor about taking your medication at certain times. If the drug is causing you to be awake, then vie for having it during the day. On the other hand, if it is making you drowsy, see if you can take during the night before you sleep.

 Eating and drinking:

Avoid heavy feeding before you sleep. It might keep you awake or wake you up during the wee hours. Also don’t take anything that suggests nicotine, caffeine or alcohol.

 Don’t force anything:

if there is no sleep, don’t stay in bed hoping it will arrive. Watch something or read until your eyes can hold no more.

 Plan for the sleep:

Be fully active during the daytime which will generate a worked up person in the evening ready to sleep. Do not sleep during the day and if you have to, limit to at most 30 minutes.


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