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RE: Why I Stopped Drinking Soda

in #health7 years ago

Congrats on your decision. If it makes you happy and feel better, that's all that counts.

As always, there are two sides to every story. Here is a lady that is 104. She credits her longevity to 3 Dr Peppers a day. All the doctors who didn't drink Dr. Pepper tried to tell her it was no good. Good thing she didn't listen because she outlived all those quacks.

I am another great case. I myself have not drank water in 40 years, I only drink Dr. Pepper. I drink 2 liters everyday. I'm almost 60 and my doctor says I'm very fit. Keep doing what I'm doing.

BTW, according to this study, you are 10x more likely to die of lung cancer than liver cancer you spoke of. Should we all stop breathing too?


no we should not stop breathing. Maybe not smoke cigarettes would help prevent lung cancer (so ive heard) Some people are just lucky with their genetics as this woman seems to be. I can assure you, dr. Pepper is not the key to a long life. Never know when it'll catch up to you.

That study didn't say how many of those deaths by lung cancer are from smokers. Many people get lung cancer from second hand smoke, pollution in the air, toxic fumes from buses and cars in crowded cities.

It just seems like nowadays everything we do is bad for us. Even the healthy food has pesticides. Fish have mercury. Animals eating weird stuff. Nothing is safe.

Good luck with your anti-soda. I hope you live a long and prosperous life.

Ehhhh..some things are safer than others. Not saying you are guaranteed to get cancer and die from drinking soda. Just putting out the proven studies of its effects. My personal reason for stopping soda is to not get fat from all the sugar.

But thanks for the well wishes. Appreciate it. 👍

Your soda drinking seems to have taken a toll on your teeth.