Oats - a SUPERFOOD you should eat every day!

in #health7 years ago


Oats might be the best way to start your day!

This short article will provide you with few tips on how to make the easiest and tastiest meal with oats, and clarify its benefits.

Oats are renowned for being healthy, tasty, filling and easy to prepare.
Let's cover some of the health facts first (measurement - 100g):
68g of carbohydrates (11g of fiber) - Fiber promotes lowering of LDL (bad) cholesterol [1], maintaing stable blood sugar levels [2] and helps you feel full after a meal, which indirectly helps you stay within a healthy body fat percentage).
7g of fat - only 1.2g of saturated fat! (Saturated fat has been linked with increased risk of coronary heart disease [3]
16g of protein - Very high for a plant source

Magnesium - 177mg - covers a solid amount of RDI (recommended daily intake)[4]
Iron - 4,7mg - covers a solid amount of RDI (recommended daily intake)[5)
Calcium - 54mg

All in all, oats is the perfect way to start the day; high quality carbohydrates will fuel you with energy, fiber will keep you full, and you will also get a solid amount of protein and micro-nutrients.

I will not be giving you actual recipes, as I believe you can tailor the ingredients to your own taste.
What I do is mix oats with wide variety of frozen or fresh fruits and chia seeds. I soak the mixture overnight in water and eat it as soon as I get up.

They also go well with:
-Sweet sauces
-Some veggies

Try it out and let me know if this article was helpful on improving your healthy habits!

Member of BrandTand team


[1]:http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/69/1/30.full [2]:http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/14/12/1115 [3]:http://www.bmj.com/content/355/bmj.i5796 [4]:https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/#h2 [5]:https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iron-HealthProfessional/#h2