in #health7 years ago (edited)

Many people ask, what harm in a white flour? Have you ever wondered why white flour when wheat tan?

) Manufacturers have long been not are interested to use products. Refer to the structure of wheat grain. The composition of the grain: the germ – incubator for most of the germ, the starchy endosperm – the nutrient medium for the seedling and layered shell (bran). The wheat germ is the most useful and valuable. Our ancestors did flour simple grinding grain in a stone mill. It turned out the flour brown in color and of such flour baked bread, scones and assorted pastries. This bread is the most rich in vitamins b and E and nourishing for the body. When in the early nineteenth century French Miller invented a steel mill, then began mass persecution of people. New millstone separated the germ from the endosperm and shell. In the embryo and the shell contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals. There are vitamins such as iron, molybdenum, copper, cobalt, a complex of vitamin B. And it's all out of flour. After processing of wheat production, remains the only starch, but it is of no use to the body. To give value the manufacturer adds synthetic vitamins, they are replaced, deleted b vitamins. What would the flour to give the snow white color of the flour is diluted with chemicals, mixed with such substances as benzoyl peroxide, ammonium persulfate, chlorine dioxide, potassium bromate and alloxan. This is the harm white flour and store-bought bread, but about the dangers of prefer to remain silent. It will be a scandal and a lot of unhappy people. Try to substitute regular flour for whole wheat. Pay attention to the expiration date, the color of the flour. The choice is yours!

Here’s how I eliminated white flour this holiday: My Unstuffed Thanksgiving

Well said. Food is for nutrition 🍞!
Other great non processed grains rich with nutrition are Kamut, Spelt, Teff.

Yes, thank you!