'Poison' called: 'Coffee Cup'. 13 reasons to stop drinking this liqueur

in #health7 years ago (edited)

You do not like to hear this: you have been lied about the health benefits of coffee!

Here's what reality is:

  • Coffee contains caffeine, which is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill the insects eating it.

Also, the coffee plant secretes caffeine in its pods to kill the surrounding plants so that the coffee plant gets more sunlight and can grow bigger. Caffeine is a pesticide that causes the genetic destruction of living cells that come into contact with it.

  • MRI images taken before and after a cup of coffee showed a decrease of blood flow to the brain by 45%.
    When measuring blood flow even more accurate, it showed 52% less blood coming the brain after just a small cup of coffee.


  • Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee consumers have shown that they have the same brain degradation as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson's patients and marijuana users. DailyM.

  • Coffee can cause an impulse to move the intestines, because this is a way the body tries to remove poison from the system. Sudden pain after drinking coffee is one of the body's defense mechanisms against poisoning.

  • Coffee increases energy through the metabolic reaction of the human body to the feeling of fighting or flying because the body is afraid of caffeine-based poison. Coffee does not give energy, it removes it from the body.

The energy a person feels when drinking coffee is due to the over-demanding body, because caffeine is a poison and all the poisons activate the release of energy in the body. (fight or flight).

Coffee reduces energy from the system, leaving the person more and more exhausted every passing day, thus setting the most dangerous addiction to energy stimulation in the world ... the dependence on coffee for energy.

  • When the battle or flight reaction is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain, as well as the hormonal systems that control aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decisions, jealousy, anger, fear and paranoia, are activated.

Coffee generates extremely low mental functioning, including a part of every negative emotional response that the body can generate.

  • As a result of the measurements, a cup of coffee activated the sensation of fighting and flying for three consecutive weeks, even if no more caffeine was consumed , already after 1 cup of coffee. A cup of coffee poisones the body for 3 consecutive weeks on a descending scale.

  • When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic brain (the paleocortex, also called the "visceral brain" - the subconscious) is hyperactive and the higher learning centers of the mind are inhibited. The limbic part of the brain refers only to sex, reproduction, territory protection, the purchase of food and personal safety.

The limbic portion of the brain is the most primitive and least developed part of the mind complex. When you want to go out of intelligence or to dominate another person, it is better for their limbic system to be activated because it brings them into a mental state equal to that of a child.

  • The contraceptive pill inhibits the intake of inhaled caffeine. This effect is dramatically increased by alcohol or medication to relieve pain, causing in many cases a caffeine poisoning that is treated like other intoxications once the person gets to the hospital.

  • Caffeine is proven to cause increased prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, congenital defects, painful syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain injuries, hyperactivity, learning disorder (from brain damage), behavioral disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, ulcers, iron drops, heart disease, headache, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injuries, joint pain, myocardial infarction, stroke.

  • Coffee causes fat growth and causes cellulitis, because by triggering the body's flight or fighting sensation (like any poison or threat has), the requirement of the body's primary source of fuel to one of the fats changes.

When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as the main source of fuel instead of carbohydrates or proteins.

Constant activation of the fight or flight sensation (through daily ingestion of caffeine poison) helps to metabolic orientation towards fat storage and fat preservation because the body prefers fat as a source of fuel when fighting against any toxic intrusion ... because the fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, unlike 4 calories per gram of sugar and protein.

Coffee also destroys muscles as the body deliberately softens the muscles when poisoned to facilitate extra fat storage.

  • Coffee (caffeine) blocks the absorption of iron, causing the vast majority of anemia nowadays.

The whole caffeine threat generally includes coffee teas, chocolates, beverages and caffeine preparations, and over 2000 prescriptions and medicines that also include caffeine. (http://bit.ly/2qKSqwh)

  • An investigation by the author of the most extensive book ever written about coffee has reviewed almost every piece of scientific research on coffee, and its conclusion was that there is absolutely no scientific evidence that coffee ever offers health benefits to the human body, at any level.

He states openly that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a flagrant lie, seriously damaging our entire society. The publication of any positive coffee effects is false and can be seen in a very strong effort, covered secretly by the "coffee lobby" that has both commercial origins and those of the families that govern the planet.

The author reviews the research in his book - see at this added link.

How many coffee shops have been opened in your town the last 20 years?

Why so many lies about coffee? Think about the government and the way it governs a brain affected population, because it is easier than to govern a healthy population. Start from there and continue to connect the points. Coffee is just a weapon that damages the brain, used against a class of uninformed slaves.

The most popular 10 brain-damaging weapons used against the class of slaves (in order of use) are:

  1. vaccines
  2. coffee and caffeine products
  3. alcohol
  4. medical preparations
  5. sugar
  6. fluoride
  7. cigarettes
  8. processed food and genetically modified food
  9. EMC radiation on wireless and wireless devices
  10. chemtrails.

If you have ever asked the question "why are people so astonished that they do not think of any of these things" ... you forget the idea that the brain lesions of the slave class are the main agenda of the occult leaders of the planet.

A helpless population guarantees the need for governance. That is why the leading families do whatever they can to create a helpless population day by day. Governments exist because they permanently create the conditions for their existence.

Coffee is just another massive lie to control the population. Do you want to close the human farm? Do you really want to become more than sick, overweight, dysfunctional and depressed by stereotypical disorder?

Reject poisons !


Actually coffee also contains compounds suchs as polycylclic aromatic hydrocarons and acrylamide that are carcinogenic. Even though quantities are not excesive in coffee, almost all baked, roasted and fried foods contain them, so coffee adds to our daily intake of these compounds.

uuuuuugg... are you kidding. This is horrible. I gave up coffee for six months went to green tea then returned recently. It is addictive.