When your feet fumble

in #health7 years ago

and you find yourself tripping on uneven pavements, this is the way to go. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/neuropathy

Self on Wheeler.jpg
The first thing most often ask is whether I am diabetic. No. But my feet tingle as if with pins and needles, sometimes more than at other times. The major problem I have found is that I fail to lift my feet high enough to clear any of the many uneven surfaces on footpaths. I have no problem walking indoors and, when using the walker can get along at a cracking pace. After two heavy falls, badly bruising my knees, and having kind helpers to feet need reassuring that I am okay (and not drunk). All, my general practitioner, eye specialist (macular degeneration), and physiotherapist recommend using the walker whenever out of doors and I am inclined to obey, not wanting to go a/t again. Apart from the feeling of safety, it seems the world is even more friendly with so many looking to smile as we pass. There are occasions when heading toward someone heading face on, I think of Boudicca and the message seems to get through!