Drinking tea has a lot of benefits for both your body and mind, so switching from drinking other beverages, especially sugary beverages, to drinking tea should be a no brainer.
First, I’ll list some (there are too many to list them all) of the benefits from drinking tea and next we’ll look at how much and what kinds you should drink.
Here go some of the benefits:
• Clearer, healthier and younger-looking skin.
• Lowered cholesterol and cortisol levels.
With this comes a host of benefits for your body, such as better blood sugar regulation and a longer life expectancy.
• Anti-inflammatory.
• Increased memory, focus and concentration.
• Reduced risk of strokes and dementia.
• Overall improved health.
In general tea drinkers exhibit healthier living than non-tea drinkers.
And if you’re down with a cold or just feeling stuffed you should definitely add some honey to combat it.
How much should you drink per day?
Different studies say different things but anywhere from 4-8 cups should be within the ideal spectrum, but this is also dependent on the kind of tea you're drinking as they can be vastly different from each other.
What kind should you drink?
This will be a post of its own as there are countless distinct blends, styles and countries of origin, each with different properties.
Tea over coffee?
Unless you’re dependent on a heavily caffeinated coffee in the morning, then a few cups of tea should get you the caffeine boost you need to get going in the morning (ideally you shouldn’t need any but it certainly helps getting that morning boost).
Personally, I start my day with a cup or two, howboutyou?
Thanks for reading and I hope you feel encouraged to take the practice of drinking tea into your own life.
very helpful post