yes, this is a huge thing today!!
i quit using thes flouride toothpaste a while ago, i'm doing my own now^^
There are tons of recipes on the web. There are sooooooooooooooooo many ways to better your tooth and btw they are why more effective and dont harming you :)
some additional info:
sodium flouride is the connection , which is toxic.
There are several others, like kalzium flouride, which is in a low percentage in everything we eat etc., this is the "good" one you know. haha
As far as i can see the human body needs to get every element in the right form in a little percentage. There are more than 80 elements in nature, concider this. But only few of them are in our food, due to regulations. They like if we cant proof 1milion percent that the element is necesary, we dont need it.
Have a great day @barrydutton :)