Absolutely! Our medical system is completely unjust and degenerating to society as a whole.
There is no free market! I agree on all levels we need to stop the madness 😡
Great point and thank you for the pic to be shared around.
Absolutely! Our medical system is completely unjust and degenerating to society as a whole.
There is no free market! I agree on all levels we need to stop the madness 😡
Great point and thank you for the pic to be shared around.
The entire racket known as healthcare in the united States is not about wellness,
in its entirety, it is all about PROFITS! And US Americans pay more for
coverage and get horrible results. Then there are terms like "iatrogenocide".
Please read Iatrogenocide: "Mass Murder by Medicine":
We're #1 all right.
@itsmein3d http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php?post/Iatrogenocide-Mass-murder-by-medicine @demandpeace