The easy way to get taller is to keep the neck and spine straight while sitting on the road. The sleeping effort helps keep the sleeping effort difficult during sleep.
Those who are less in height, many of them suffer from inferiority. For some low elevation, some people are also affected by personality degradation. Naturally, body height does not rise after a certain age.
In that case there is no way to be satisfied with your normal height. But US-style expert Willham Logan reports that, using a few different ways, shorter people also look a bit longer. Let's know those ways
1. Wear clothes that have vertical strips. Do not wear horizontal horizontal stripes. If you wear a stylish stripe, an optical illusion is made, and anyone who looks a little longer in body.
2. Do not wear lukewarm clothing. It shows the body wide. As a result the height seems to be less.
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3. Be careful while selecting shoes. Those who are less in height, have a tendency to get big bold shoes. In this, it is very damaging to the ankle and knees, as well as the sight of someone on your shoe becomes more prominent in your body. Put a thick padding shoes over the heels. It will not have high heel problems, but height can increase.
4. Try to wear the same color clothing while dressing up and down. That is, the color of the color that you wear, paint the color of the color or near it. Different color shades and pants divide your body into two parts. As a result, your height is less. But there is no problem in wearing a uniform color shirt.
5. Walk straight on. Instead of keeping the spine straight, if you walk on the hinges, then you will see it in a dormant way.
6. Do not let the fat in the body. When fat is formed in the body, then the width of the body increases in width. As a result, seemingly obese people seem a little bit short. People with lazy looks just a little longer.
Lastly, by doing all this, your actual height will not increase. Just look a little longer. But keep in mind that physical personality is not only your personality but your real identity.
good post.